Karsten Gerloff

Karsten Gerloff at

European Parliament: MEPs, staffers have their emails hacked, should demand change

The French website Mediapart reports that at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a technically skilled person managed to intercept 14 Members of the European Parliament and their staffers using trivial tools. (Original article behind paywall, English version, report by Der Spiegel in German.)

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Karsten Gerloff shared this.

I am sure other free software supporters would appreciate it too - please stop spreading the misconception that cracking and hacking are the same.

Marko Dimjašević at 2013-11-23T03:26:44Z

Thanks for pointing this out! I've changed the title of the post.

In my view, this was still a benign hack: It's an effective way of pointing out the lousy network security at the EP.

But that distinction isn't an easy one to make clearly in a post aimed at a broad audience like this.

Karsten Gerloff at 2013-11-25T14:24:40Z

>> Karsten Gerloff:

“But that distinction isn't an easy one to make clearly in a post aimed at a broad audience like this.”

You don't need to make that distinction. Just talk about "cracked accounts", not "hacked accounts" =)

JanKusanagi at 2013-11-25T15:45:51Z