Karl Fogel at
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Mike Linksvayer, AJ Jordan, McClane shared this.
Relatedly I'd love to see Effective Altruism evaluation of FLOSS generally, and methodology applied to evaluating FLOSS projects.
This seems like a good time to also plug https://www.appropedia.org/Welcome_to_Appropedia as sort of being at the intersection of open [everything] and distributed exploration potentially effective interventions.
For you https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Contributing.html ?
Another: projects that you have confidence are well run and welcoming, because you've evaluated them. For you https://sfconservancy.org/projects/current/
Finally, https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/#finding-a-project-to-contribute-to … includes standard project you use advice, plus list of ez bug ~aggregators, plus quote from you @kfogel but some or all of that material may benefit from updating.
Finally', [project you use] but with a job/company bent: project your employer/company depends on that you can get permission/away with contributing to on the job. Super soft pitch https://opensourcefriday.com/businesses
Finally'' next level of Finally', appropriate project is one you can get hired to contribute to, so find job that requires contributing to an open source project. After hire, that open source project is the appropriate one for you to get involved in.
» Karl Fogel:
“[...] "I'd like to get more involved in open source -- how do I find a project that will be appropriate for me?" [...]”
In my opinion, if they are currently using FLOSS programs they can pick any of the ones they use so they won't need any FLOSS directory to find the right one for them. I think they must be honest with themselves about what their skills are (not just programming) and how much they want to get involved.
The most basic thing they can probably do to help is to spread the "FLOSS word" among their family, friends and acquaintances. To me, that's beeing involved in FLOSS already. Of course, the next steps could be help translating software, giving answers/support to other people using the same software and, finally, get involved in the development of the code.