Laura Arjona Reina

Laura Arjona Reina at

Writing blogpost about how I see #pumpio now: usable, strong potential, needs users and love, happy to get involved #freesoftware #staytuned

Mike Linksvayer, McScx, William L. Anderson likes this.

Laura Arjona:
“usable, strong potential, needs users and love”

+1, +1, and +1 =)

JanKusanagi at 2013-09-17T10:19:31Z

At least, I finished it!
New blog post: "How I see now" (TL;DR: Usable, strong potential, needs users and love. The long version is too long, but, well, you already know me...)
Comments welcome!

Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-10-29T11:58:07Z