Closing my Twitter account
Long overdue, I'll close my Twitter account today.
I'll be as always in the #freenetworks
If you want to follow me, don't know how: email me
Ramakrishnan, shuckle, pingi, Daniel Koć and 23 others likes this.
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You are setting a great example. I hope I can follow in your footsteps.
Charles Stanhope at 2016-02-08T17:47:35Z
Douglas Perkins, j1mc, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
never had one. didn't need the crazy voices in my head, no matter the artificial brevity of their insanity :)
Less noise more signal, I get that. There is one benefit to maintaining a presence on Twitter and that's as an outreach to newcomers who are looking for guidance or help in choosing a more liberal social network.
jrobertson at 2016-02-09T01:16:29Z
jpope likes this.