drysdam at 2011-04-02T15:23:04+00:00
After I demonstrated some !emacs basics, my 12 year old said "that's awesome!" #geekintrainingOsama Khalid, Magnus likes this.
Jason Riedy at 2010-11-28T02:24:02+00:00
nnir for !gnus is now orgasmic. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.gnus.general/74430Magnus likes this.
Ingolf Schaefer at 2010-11-27T22:29:07+00:00
In the moment I am pretty sure that !orgmode is the best thing since the invention of washing machines. Paradox: Better then emacs itself.Magnus likes this.
Danyel Lawson at 2010-11-03T13:18:43+00:00
#emacs !emacs tip C-c C-j in an ansi-term window switches to line mode allows normal buffer manipulation C-c C-k switches back to char modeMagnus likes this.
@freegnu ansi-term in emacs would be soooo perfect, except that copying "long wrapping lines" gets extraneous newlines!Ben Finney at 2010-06-17T03:13:34+00:00
dagnabbit. I wish I could edit an existing post after joining the !identica group I actually wanted it to appear in.Magnus likes this.
Stav Prodromou at 2010-06-16T20:12:30+00:00
Just wait till @fabsh sees his !identica bill for this week! He has posted 1623 dents! @evan is going to be RICH!Evan Prodromou, Brooke Vibber, Magnus likes this.
Dennis Heidsiek at 2010-03-26T12:36:54+00:00
The Network Graph of !GitHub is now realized as #Canvas and not longer as Flaſh: Sounds great for me :) http://is.gd/b0enrMagnus likes this.
Igorette at 2010-03-24T08:03:04+00:00
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat^W rebase it !gitBruce Cowan, Evan Prodromou, Magnus likes this.
Bèr Kessels, Bèr Kessels shared this.
tuss at 2010-02-02T21:42:21+00:00
Maybe #Emacs' swedish-postfix input method will finally rid me of the horrible Swedish (dvorak) #keymap!Magnus likes this.
Astro at 2009-11-01T21:43:19+00:00
Magnus likes this.
Fabian Rodriguez at 2009-07-10T17:03:00+00:00
Magnus likes this.
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2009-07-06T14:36:22+00:00
Registered OpenLanguageFiles.org for language learning materials under !CC and similar licenses. Any potential !Esperanto contributors?Magnus likes this.
@mjjzf Can I take over the wordpress installation or what is going on there?Peter Saint-Andre at 2009-05-14T16:48:38+00:00
sorry, folks I'll unfollow you if you produce more than ~30% of the notices I receive :|Magnus likes this.
@stpeter that means that you'll eventually unfollow everyone. :)