linux.conf.au 2014 linuxconfau@identi.ca
Canberra, Australia
6-10th January 2014 LCA is one of the world's best conferences for free and open source software!
Matthias Hühr matthiashuehr@identi.ca
Greifswald, Germany
140 mögliche Zeichen sind doch etwas wenig um mein Leben damit beschreiben zu können.
kim hawtin adhoc@identi.ca
Adelaide, Australia
perl coder,linux sysadmin, cyclist, ham radio experimenter.
Techrights' IRC Aggregator boycottnovell@identi.ca
Manchester, United Kingdom
Aggregator for #techrights (FreeNode) at techrights.org, formerly #boycottnovell (FreeNode) for the Boycott Novell campaign.
Andrew McMillan karora@identi.ca
Porirua, New Zealand
Open (Source | Maps | Information | Calendar | Android) Geek
Brianna Laugher pfctdayelise@identi.ca
Melbourne, Australia
wikichiki, feminist, cyclist, introverted, vegetarian Pythonista, GEEK.
ddevine@identi.ca ddevine@identi.ca
Brisbane, Australia
Yet another GNU/Linux guy. Haiku OS fan, KDE user and accidential web developer.