2015-01-29T16:58:53Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
X11R5 shared by Artopal at 2014-12-28T18:45:19Z via AndStatus To: Public
"Artificial intelligence" is an ugly and insulting term. I say "new people.Douglas Perkins, Carlos Solís, Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Douglas Perkins, Carlos Solís, Artopal, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.
2014-11-19T20:15:45Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Interesting project. A bit overpriced for me, but wish them luck.
2014-08-22T16:05:27Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Si te gusta XKCD, te interesaria seguir a https://pump.jpope.org/XKCD ;)
Sunday blues
2014-08-03T16:31:23Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Lento, pero seguro, cada vez me acostumbro más a trabajar en fin de semana.
2014-07-17T16:26:11Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Oh, please, mighty Debian, why do you want to remove kupfer (my most used and most useful high level app in my desktop) when I just want to do a routine dist-upgrade?
Seriously, when I don't understand the science behind it 100%, it becomes all magic to me and I might as well pray to the almighty Debian god. XD2014-07-16T17:54:01Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
From xchat to hexchat in nullkommanix! Gracias Debian.CAPIF pide el bloqueo de The Pirate Bay, la justicia se lo otorga, la lógica retrocede tres casilleros - Fabio.com.ar
2014-07-04T04:29:22Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Cryptocat Is Having A Fundraiser On Kickstarter!
2014-06-30T14:04:44Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
2014-06-16T16:56:22Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Yesterday I managed to successfully install and play OpenXcom. That brought back some memories! I felt like 15 years old again! :D Actually, I succeded in 2 things: it was easy as pie to run the original DOS game through DosBox on Linux. On the other hand, I couldn't install OpenXcom on Crunchbang Waldorf (based on Debian Wheezy) because of a missing dependency, so I had to try it on Win7. Which run flawlessly, patches and all. I lost track of time and went to bed at 4 am, after winning two battles and beginning research on plasma rifles. ;) Now, please, can someone package OpenXcom for Debian? :D That would be awesome!2014-06-14T19:48:23Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Today I wanted to try and convert some mp3 files into opus. I know it's a relatively new codec/format, but since libopus0 is in Debian since squeeze (backported) and opus-tools since wheezy, it was only a question whether gstreamer0.10 and the converting tools already supported it. (I'm running Crunchbang Waldorf which is based on wheezy.) Tried soundconverter and oggconvert with no such luck. Ended using soundconvert to batch-convert into oga with low quality. Gained ~60% of storage without noticeable sound difference. All in all, I call it a win. :) I would still like to try opus, though.2014-06-14T15:05:48Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
2014-06-03T05:51:20Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC:
On the cost of «free». «Free is a lie», by Aral Balkan. http://vimeo.com/931765152014-05-29T15:41:40Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Yo debí estudiar *lingüística* comparada. Me serviría más. :S2014-05-28T20:06:13Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
#DaysOfPresentProgressive2014-05-28T17:02:43Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Más mensajes intrascendentes hasta comprobar que pump2tweet realmente funciona (y cómo funciona).2014-05-28T16:44:05Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Probando, probando, 1, 2, 3...2014-05-26T16:42:37Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
So, how do I manage crossposting from pump.io to twitter?pump2tweet is one way, but it seems to be down now.
Jason Self shared by Artopal at 2014-05-15T15:28:20Z via AndStatus To: Public
A mere 8 months after getting the W3C HTML Working Group to say that DRM was “in scope”, all major browser developers support it or are planning to. Big Media must be thinking “wow - that was easy.”
Christopher Allan Webber, Douglas Perkins, Benjamin Cook, zach wick and 7 others likes this.
Douglas Perkins, Benjamin Cook, Benjamin Cook, zach wick and 3 others shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli shared by Artopal at 2014-05-13T15:06:30Z via AndStatus To: Public
#FreedomBox 0.2 is out http://www.freedomboxfoundation.org/news/FreedomBox-0.2/Jakukyo Friel, Lars Wirzenius, Scorpio20, Tobias Diekershoff likes this.
Iwan Setiawan, Artopal shared this.