Fabian Rodriguez magicfab@identi.ca

Montreal, Canada



  • Stefano Zacchiroli zack@identi.ca

    Paris, France

    Geek, Debian Project Leader 2010-2013, Free Software zealot, Computer Science professor. Italian from Bologna, emigrated to Paris, France

  • Stephen Michael Kellat alpacaherder@identi.ca

    Ashtabula County, Ohio

    Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science. A Librarian Long, Long Ago. Podcaster. TeX User Group Member. Amateur Radio Operator (General Class). Occasional Writer. Ubuntu Member. Fediverse Explorer.

  • ben mtl mtlben@identi.ca

    Montreal, Canada

  • GNU MediaGoblin mediagoblin@identi.ca

    Making the world a better place through free software, decentralized, autonomous media hosting.

  • Charles-H. Schulz charlesschulz@identi.ca

    Paris, France

  • Tiago Bortoletto Vaz tiagovaz@identi.ca

    Montreal, Canada


  • Andrew McMillan karora@identi.ca

    Porirua, New Zealand

    Open (Source | Maps | Information | Calendar | Android) Geek

  • Daniele Gobbetti gdaniele@identi.ca

    Bolzano, Italy

  • Luis Falcon meanmicio@identi.ca

    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

    Free Software, Social and Animal Rights activist #Vegan President of GNU Solidario

  • kxra@identi.ca

  • Jonathan Nadeau frostbite@identi.ca

    Ildefonso, Brazil

    I'm a father and husband along with being a blind GNU/Linux user. Who Also is an advocate of accessibility with Free software.

  • Deb Nicholson eximious@identi.ca

    Boston, United States

    I like noisy music, tasty food and free software.

  • murph murph@identi.ca

    Somewhere, NJ

    Just your ordinary GNU/linux desktop user. I'm also not half bad at Jungle Speed.

  • Dr. Matt Lee mattl@identi.ca

    New England


  • David Giard swe3tdave@identi.ca

  • owncloud owncloud@identi.ca

    web services under your control

  • Savoir-faire Linux savoirfairelinux@identi.ca

    Provides training, consulting, development and support services on free and open source softwares

  • Zentyal zentyal@identi.ca

    Zentyal is the Linux Small Business Server. It offers SMBs an affordable and easy-to-use enterprise-level computer network.

  • Jitsi jitsi@identi.ca

    Strasbourg, France

    Jitsi (previously SIP Communicator) is a video Internet communicator with support for SIP, Jabber and other protocols

  • Launchpad.net launchpad@identi.ca

    Free software collaboration and project hosting from the friendly folks at Canonical.