Jono Bacon shared by Andrew Mason at 2012-06-03T04:37:16+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
For all Hollywood complains about people downloading movies, maybe if 2 cinema tickets wasn't $26, more people would go to the movies.The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates, Appropedia.org, Appropedia.org and 2 others shared this.
Jono Bacon shared by Andrew Mason at 2012-06-03T04:37:16+00:00 To: Public
For all Hollywood complains about people downloading movies, maybe if 2 cinema tickets wasn't $26, more people would go to the movies.The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates, Appropedia.org, Appropedia.org and 2 others shared this.
2012-04-30T11:29:21+00:00 To: Aaron Seigo, Public
@aseigo any chance i can buy a phone with plasma active anytime soon ? It's sooo purdysmartphone is a possible 2013 project for us.2012-04-17T13:19:08+00:00 To: Public
really liked the latest #FAIF episodeJan Wildeboer shared by Andrew Mason at 2012-03-29T10:14:20+00:00 To: Public
You want to know the biggest secret behind Red Hat's billion dollar revenue success? Culture. Values. People. Community. It is THAT simple.Andrew Mason, Andrew Mason, Charles-H. Schulz, Charles-H. Schulz shared this.
Jan Wildeboer shared by Andrew Mason at 2012-03-29T10:14:20+00:00 via mustard To: Public
You want to know the biggest secret behind Red Hat's billion dollar revenue success? Culture. Values. People. Community. It is THAT simple.Andrew Mason, Andrew Mason, Charles-H. Schulz, Charles-H. Schulz shared this.
2012-03-29T10:12:24+00:00 To: Public
just watched the band sheep dog at the john fogerty concert. pretty nice sound.2012-03-19T06:30:21+00:00 To: Public
I'm speechless; women forced to carry uborn fetuses to full term. http://ur1.ca/8q9ie wtf?2012-02-20T23:02:15+00:00 To: Libre Graphics magazine, Public
loved the latest edition of LGM. 'Look at my amazing camel' article was brilliant.2012-01-30T13:04:17+00:00 To: Public
$3 AUD for 3 litres of 'supermarket' branded milk.. i paid $3.45 for 2 litres but i wonder how many others will?2012-01-03T14:02:29+00:00 To: Public
looking at the php 5.4 performance improvements...nice2011-12-23T01:59:22+00:00 To: Public
looks like iinet has purchased #internode2011-11-27T23:48:07+00:00 To: Bradley M. Kuhn, Public
@bkuhn nice blog post. i have noticed a disturbing amount of pressure to use google+ and skype recentlyvoted for "KDE,LXDE,..."
2011-10-18T00:43:31+00:00 To: Ubuntu users, Public
2011-10-04T00:54:48+00:00 To: Public
voted for "Wondering if you had mistyped the url"
2011-09-21T00:46:00+00:00 To: Andrew Mason, Public
Poll: When you first saw the new identi.ca theme were you ? http://identi.ca/main/poll/cb83077c-9abd-44da-bfc2-e79435c208a3
2011-09-21T00:45:49+00:00 To: Public
2011-09-21T00:38:42+00:00 To: KDE, Public
@mase KDE SDK, where lokalize is, is still in svnvoted for ""Subscribing" is better because I choose whose notices to listen to"
2011-09-21T05:25:36+00:00 To: laurelrusswurm, Public
voted for "Prefer the old, but like the new features such as polls."
2011-09-21T05:24:48+00:00 To: Sebastian, Public