From https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/debian/ : "Debian is an operating system which is composed primarily of free and
open-source software, most of which is under the GNU General Public
License [...]".
Are there any official stats on the number of GNU-licensed packages or did they make this up?
Are there any official stats on the number of GNU-licensed packages or did they make this up?
Arcee, Arcee, Arcee shared this.
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It's a bit strange, because it seems Docker points to Wikipedia about this sentence, but Wikipedia article says: "that is composed entirely of free and open-source software, most of which is under the GNU General Public License..." (emphasis is mine).
I'm not sure why Docker changes "entirely" for "primarily"...
But going to the point, about statistics on license usage in the Debian archive, I've found this blogpost from @Stefano Zacchiroli which references a talk @johns gave at FOSDEM 2012. Both the talk and the blog post give interesting data, and discuss about methodologies for counting the license usage. HTH!

Packages in the "main" pool are all free software, but you can opt to use "non-free" debian's repositories as well.