GNU MediaGoblin

First Public Working Drafts of ActivityPub and Micropub published

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The W3C has announced the First Public Working Draft status of ActivityPub and Micropub. Both of these standards are being worked on for the SocialWG group

@Jessica Tallon and @Christopher Allan Webber are both working on ActivityPub as a general federation standard. We're pleased to see that you can now reach the latest version from !

jrobb, Ben Sturmfels, mray INACTIVE, ostfriesenmärz and 18 others likes this.

mray INACTIVE, ostfriesenmärz, Olivier Mehani, AJ Jordan and 5 others shared this.

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There is something I'm unclear about (and arguably I haven't read much, or at least enough, to answer this on my own).

ActivityPub seems to be an interactive protocol. Is there some sort of separate document representation format that doesn't need ActivityPub to exist (but that ActivityPub would exist to exchange), or is it all defined together?

Olivier Mehani at 2016-02-04T06:48:38Z

>> Olivier Mehani:

“[...] Is there some sort of separate document representation format that doesn't need ActivityPub to exist (but that ActivityPub would exist to exchange), or is it all defined together? [...]”

If I understand your question, that'd be ActivityStreams 2.0.

JanKusanagi at 2016-02-04T12:31:20Z

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.

@JanKusanagi has it right. See the ActivityStreams core spec and vocabulary spec.

ActivityPub builds on the shoulders of giants!

Christopher Allan Webber at 2016-02-05T00:21:51Z

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.

Keep up the good work, Gavroche!

j1mc at 2016-02-09T05:35:06Z