JC menestrel@identi.ca
ingénieur en analyse et développement web, féru de Libre, défenseur du Tux. Python PHP, postgreSQL
april.org at 2013-09-09T14:12:29Z
Contre la vente forcée, contactez vos sénateurs à propos du projet de loi consommation http://apr1.org/btJC, RiveraValdez likes this.
JC, Frédéric Couchet shared this.
Le Geektionnerd at 2013-06-21T13:20:55+00:00
[Geektionnerd] DuckDuckGo - http://ur1.ca/ee8txJC likes this.
JC shared this.
Gwen Desliens at 2013-05-21T11:41:34+00:00
En Belgique, ils ont du chocolat côte d’or noir ou au lait en POT pour TARTINER !JC likes this.
LinuxBird at 2013-05-21T14:12:39+00:00
#DuckDuckGo ci ha fatto un regalo: provate a cercare "linuxbird" e guardare in basso a destra ;DJC likes this.
Jérémie Zimmermann at 2013-05-16T22:16:47+00:00
JC likes this.
JC, JC, Frédéric Couchet, Frédéric Couchet shared this.
Jérémie Zimmermann at 2013-05-16T15:03:10+00:00
RT @laquadrature: [fr][PublicSenat] Rapport #Lescure : « Une sorte de petit musée des horreurs de mesures répressives » http://ur1.ca/dvv95JC likes this.
Framasoft at 2013-04-22T09:44:28+00:00
La page d’accueil de Framasoft fait peau neuve ! http://ur1.ca/dh65o La "faute" à @peupleLa interviewée pour l'occasionJC likes this.
Free Software Foundation Europe at 2013-04-02T13:42:02+00:00
Avoid being locked in as #Microsoft turns off Windows Messenger - break free from #Skype http://www.ur1.ca/d8olc #xmpp #open #standard !fsfeStepan Stehlicek, Guido Arnold, JC, Dennis Zeit likes this.
Guido Arnold, Guido Arnold, Jure Repinc (JLP), Jure Repinc (JLP) and 8 others shared this.
depressionbot at 2013-03-15T15:05:49+00:00
~> cat irclogs/*/*.log | grep 'u wot m8' | grep 'reality\>' | wc -lJC likes this.
Gwen Desliens at 2013-02-27T14:36:03+00:00
Bon je l'ai posté super tard hier, revoici la F.A.Q. du féminisme faite par des geeks : http://ur1.ca/cx4qwAgnès Rambaud, JC likes this.
Agnès Rambaud, Agnès Rambaud shared this.
Framasoft at 2013-02-21T14:52:33+00:00
Du bon usage des deniers publics par les municipalités danoises http://ur1.ca/cv84y (merci aux traducteurs)Charles NSALAMBI, JC likes this.
xtof59, xtof59, Charles NSALAMBI, Charles NSALAMBI and 2 others shared this.
LibreÉdu at 2013-02-21T13:38:50+00:00
Pourquoi choisir #GNU/ #Linux ? (plutôt que #Windows ou #MacOS) http://ur1.ca/cutow Excellent article, bonne synthèseJC likes this.
Vincent OpenSourcier, Vincent OpenSourcier, JC, JC shared this.
Framasoft at 2013-02-19T19:35:20+00:00
L'appel GNU/Linux d'un fanboy Microsoft dégoûté par la licence Office 2013 http://ur1.ca/cum4u Merci aux traducteurs ;)JC, Ludovic GILBON likes this.
Framasoft at 2013-02-19T15:22:47+00:00
Vidéo exclusive de @framaka s'attaquant courageusement à l'omniprésence Microsoft dans l’Éducation Nationale http://ur1.ca/cuk32Dlareg, Charles NSALAMBI, JC likes this.
Charles NSALAMBI, Charles NSALAMBI, JC, JC shared this.
Olivier Berger at 2013-01-29T11:41:52+00:00
Finished @BiellaColeman's "Coding Freedom: the Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking"... interesting for !debian participants 1/2JC likes this.
- Dear parents who freak out when they see their children use !GNU / !Linux: What are you angry about? More safety? Better stability? Freedom?
Master Lee Hun, Cyber Killer, JC likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez shared this.
@thelastproject Some parents do this? Reminds me of that teacher who confiscated !GNU/Linux CDs that of one of her studends shared in class.@thelastproject Children are not educating their parents in a proper manner?Ok, I'm skeptical that people actually do that RT @thelastproject Dear parents who freak out when they see their children use !GNU / !Linux…Todd Howe at 2013-01-29T04:28:39+00:00
Master Lee Hun likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-01-27T22:54:18+00:00
Yay! #1 rule: don't panic. If a dope like me can learn to code, so can you. :)JC, Greg Grossmeier, Syrinx ZA, Richard Fontana and 1 others likes this.
Rafael Sanchez at 2012-08-06T14:29:34+00:00
‘MooGNU’ alternativa !copyleft a Nyan Cat creada por entusiastas !GNU - #nyancat - http://goo.gl/bWyWVVasco Dias, Pablo Barrera, JC likes this.
Vasco Dias, Vasco Dias, Pablo Barrera, Pablo Barrera and 2 others shared this.
@rafaels76 ¿Y cómo se pronunciaría? ¿"Mu-gah-niú"?@rafaels76 A la lista de versiones libres de cosas que no deberíamos liberar, junto con la banda sonora liberada de los cortos de Blender...Carlos Solís at 2012-08-07T04:05:49+00:00
a(n) person likes this.
@rafaels76 ...que me va a tocar hacer porque @wavecaster, el autor, no quiere relicenciar la música. Ya llamé a @dbautistadecabo.