2013-07-19T14:50:51Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public, Bigby Wolf CC: Followers
Beckmann [18.07.2013] Der gläserne Bürger - ausgespäht und ausgeliefert? [HD]
Gestern Abend noch im TV - heute für die, die es verpasst haben, auf YT in voller Länge! Heute morgen noch schnell hochgeladen. Viel Spaß, es ist sehenswert.morgenland, Bigby Wolf shared this.
Evan Prodromou shared by MightyPirate at 2013-05-01T16:31:17+00:00 via web To: Public
Some tester 131, Ralph Duncan, Koala Yeung, Bernhard E. Reiter and 23 others likes this.
سطام, Jean P, Jean P, Parker and 92 others shared this.
Show all 14 repliesEvan Prodromou shared by MightyPirate at 2013-05-01T16:31:17+00:00 via web To: Public
Some tester 131, Ralph Duncan, Koala Yeung, Bernhard E. Reiter and 23 others likes this.
سطام, Jean P, Jean P, Parker and 92 others shared this.
Show all 14 replies2012-07-23T12:11:06+00:00 via web To: Public
This week at @Vodafone's AGM @accessnow will ask about gvmt requests for user data. Help by endorsing the question: bit.ly/Mh6btU #privacy2012-07-09T10:10:56+00:00 via web To: Public
2012-04-26T06:41:59+00:00 via web To: Public
President Obama just issued a statement saying he would veto #CISPA http://ur1.ca/93rau2012-04-16T19:50:05+00:00 via mustard To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
Tell tech co's 2 drop #CISPA support & stand 4 user privacy. Sign @accessnow letter: http://ur1.ca/90of2 @verizon @att @Microsoft2012-02-16T03:35:14+00:00 via web To: Public
!WikiLeaks on german/french TV arte http://ur1.ca/872gm