
mray INACTIVE at

In a world where most people live by the "give-me-convenience-or-give-me-death" it is always nice to see projects that start their feature list like that:

  • Free (GPL) Software.
  • ...

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I hate that personally—it's implying the most redeeming feature is the license.

I think free software should be better (feature and capability-wise) than proprietary competitors, regardless of license.

uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs at 2014-07-16T20:08:36Z

. #freesoftware is not a feature, it's a requirement.

But I get your point :)

Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-07-16T21:17:14Z

a(n) person likes this.

I like this too. For me Free Software is a value as such and therefore definitely a feature. It is always great if a project recognise this value too.

Björn Schießle at 2014-07-16T21:29:07Z

Susan Pinochet likes this.

As Laura said, that's not a feature, it's a requirement. If that feature isn't "supported", I don't care about the others =)

JanKusanagi at 2014-07-17T00:09:53Z