Björn Schießle schiessle@identi.ca
Germany, near Stuttgart
computer scientist; free software developer; software engineer @ownCloud; free software and open standards activist @FSFE - www.schiessle.org
2014-08-25T11:09:07Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Moving from identi.ca to microca.st
I had constantly issues with following people on other instances. Now I discovered that this problems only exists with this identi.ca account. With my account at microca.st I can follow the same people without problems. Therefore I decided to make microca.st my account.
If you want continue to follow me on pump.io then please subscribe at microca.st/BeSjrobb likes this.
Blaise Alleyne, ostfriesenmärz, jrobb shared this.
I already followed both versions of you... I'm a stalker!
You could probably make things easier for people if you post a note like "follow this account" from microca.st, and "share" that note from your identi.ca account. =)
JanKusanagi at 2014-08-25T11:56:19Z
jrobb likes this.
2014-08-21T16:19:48Z via Friendica To: Public
Am 13.11 bin ich beim CCC in der Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart und spreche über ownCloud. Ich freue mich darauf! http://www.cccs.de/events/201411-owncloud/Michael (majeSTYX) shared this.
2014-08-17T22:07:12Z via Friendica To: Public
GNU/Linux in München weiter unter Druck
Skandal! Die Entscheidung für GNU/Linux in München war laut CSU hauptsächlich politisch motiviert. Wie kann ein Politiker nur politische Entscheidungen treffen? Ich bin entsetzt! http://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/muenchner-stadtverwaltung-von-microsoft-zu-linux-und-zurueck-1.2090611Marco Peter shared this.
2014-08-16T17:16:14Z via Friendica To: Public
The real meaning of Hacker
Beeing a hacker represents the children in us. Children love to discover, explore, bringing something a little beyond what they could before http://roaming-initiative.com/mediagoblin/u/jeeelo/m/hackers/Michael (majeSTYX) shared this.
2014-08-08T10:40:02Z via Friendica To: Public
Laut Deutschlandtrend sind 59% der Befragten mit der Bundesregierung zufrieden oder sehr zufrieden, so eine hohe Zustimmung wurde noch nie gemessen. Das muss man nicht verstehen, oder? http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/deutschlandtrend-121.html2014-08-07T20:25:54Z via Friendica To: Public
Politische Lösungen für eine sichere Zukunft der Kommunikation: Als erstes einmal #FreieSoftware fördern! http://bit.ly/V4NTTv via @t_groteMichael (majeSTYX) shared this.
2014-08-07T16:15:27Z via Friendica To: Public
What's the aim of the ownCloud encryption app and how does it protect your data, by @jospoortvliet https://owncloud.org/blog/how-owncloud-uses-encryption-to-protect-your-data/ #ownCloud #encryption #securityBlaise Alleyne likes this.
2014-08-05T19:02:19Z via Friendica To: Public
Es geht darum, wer die Information kontrolliert, nicht wo sie liegt
Die Hoheit über vertrauliche Daten und Betriebsgeheimnisse liegt im Zweifelsfall bei einem Gericht in den USA – das sollte jede Gemeindeverwaltung und jeder Mittelständler wissen, wenn ein Treffen mit den Vertriebsleuten von Microsoft, Google, Apple, Oracle, Cisco, IBM und Co. ansteht. http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Kommentar-Wie-die-USA-ihre-IT-Wirtschaft-zerstoeren-2283109.htmlMichael (majeSTYX) shared this.
2014-08-05T18:55:09Z via Friendica To: Public
Impressive numbers! I'm really happy that I can work every day with such a awesome community https://owncloud.com/awesome-community #FreeSoftware #ownCloudBlaise Alleyne likes this.
2014-08-01T21:18:15Z via Friendica To: Public
Free Software Foundation Europe seeks your input, what do you expect from #FSFE? Please participate at the survey http://l.fsfe.org/stkhsurvey2014-08-01T08:41:41Z via Friendica To: Public
"Microsoft is way too smart to let the ecosystem suspect of a potential issue with document formats based on a specific obstacle built into the standard. For instance, it took quite a long time to spot the C-Font trick built into the last versions of MS Office, and most users – including corporate IT managers – are still completely unaware of it."
Why you should never use Microsoft's OOXML pseudo-standard formatThe UK government recently announced that they would use ISO approved document standard ODF for viewing and sharing government documents. It's a very important move because it breaks Microsoft's vendor lock where single US-based company 'owns' and 'controls' all the documents created on Earth.
2014-07-31T17:22:09Z via Friendica To: Public
Couldn't hold myself back any longer and updated my personal ownCloud from 6.0.4 to 7.0.1RC1. Especially I like the new calendar sidebar!2014-07-22T22:28:11Z via Friendica To: Public
Open Standards win!
The UK government announced that they will use PDF, HTML & ODF as the default document formats. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/open-document-formats-selected-to-meet-user-needsBlaise Alleyne likes this.
2014-07-20T20:59:26Z via Friendica To: Public
I just learned that I can use my #GNUSocial instance as #OpenID, awesome!2014-07-18T11:31:30Z via Friendica To: Public
Endlich mal wieder was positives aus München: Stadtrat verteidigt LiMux gegen Bürgermeister http://ur1.ca/hrvmb #München #LiMux2014-07-08T16:17:30Z via Friendica To: Public
The European Commission is refusing to get serious about breaking free from vendor lock-in https://fsfe.org/news/2014/news-20140708-01ostfriesenmärz likes this.
ostfriesenmärz shared this.
please initiate posts via @fsfe. see notes & replies here and here. thnx!ostfriesenmärz at 2014-07-09T09:47:29Z
mray INACTIVE likes this.
2014-07-08T09:19:48Z via Friendica To: Public
"Das ist ein totalitärer Ansatz, wie wir ihn sonst nur bei Diktaturen gesehen haben." http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2014-07/nsa-ausschuss-binney2014-07-06T21:37:14Z via Friendica To: Public
I decided to support EDRi on a regular basis and added it to my Flattr subscriptions. http://edri.org #EDRi2014-07-06T19:01:31Z via Friendica To: Public
90 % der durch die NSA Ausspionierten sind gewöhnliche Bürger http://t.co/x3owP3vaWE90% ... soll das heißen 10% sind Terroristen?
Schreit nach einer Definition von "gewöhnliche Bürger".