Paulo nitrofurano@identi.ca
2013-04-15T15:13:38+00:00 To: Matt Lee, Public
@mattl are there #wallpapers available about the #FSF 's anti- #windows8 campaign? i started this one: http://ur1.ca/de71t@nitrofurano Looks good. I'm a GNU hacker, not an FSF employee these days. See http://status.fsf.org/ for FSF folks.2013-04-13T18:08:25+00:00 To: Public
Why you should close Windows for good -- http://fsf.org/windows8Marcio B. Jr. likes this.
Most interesting thing to me about windows 8 messaging by FSF: image is CC BY! Hope to see increased production of #freeculture by FSF ;)Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-04-13T19:46:18+00:00
Kete Foy, Marjan, Dennis Zeit likes this.
2013-03-06T08:49:29+00:00 To: Matt Lee, Public
2013-02-20T12:49:14+00:00 To: Public
Douglas Malette about #rbe in a Zdaj pa Dost interview with Sašo Luznar - http://ur1.ca/cusoi2012-12-24T15:52:03+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
i created a !windowmaker community at Google Plus at http://ur1.ca/c9eq3 - be welcome there!2012-12-08T21:35:16+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
zoom on !inkscape larger than 25600% is very missing (for geographic purposes and alike)2012-08-24T09:35:23+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
awesome! \o/ - http://ur1.ca/a0qmi !slax2012-07-01T21:34:31+00:00 To: lupyxe, Public
do you know this one? http://ur1.ca/9mbbxyes, sure, happiness is directly related to number of cats you havelupyxe at 2012-07-09T19:12:20+00:00
Andrew Alderwick likes this.
2012-06-09T20:58:29+00:00 To: Public
2012-03-09T13:06:15+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
a challenge for !inkscape users: http://ur1.ca/8leis2012-03-08T20:32:12+00:00 To: Matt Lee, Public
@mattl i think #zdnet , #slashdot and #fbi are going far beyond limits when messing #crackers with #hackers - http://ur1.ca/8kwom #failWell, everyone knows I'm a super hacker -- http://identi.ca/url/48869689Dr. Matt Lee at 2012-03-08T21:01:12+00:00
Paulo likes this.
2012-02-19T17:46:43+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
from !inkscape , how can i have templates from menu:file/new sorted alphanumerically?2012-02-18T14:45:06+00:00 To: Matt Lee, Public
@mattl i'm curious about yours and Stallman's thoughts about this: http://ur1.ca/881ou and http://ur1.ca/88je4 #macosx #apple #fail2012-01-23T20:02:42+00:00 To: Matt Lee, Public
@mattl do you know any #indie #arcade machine project like #torontron or #winnitron , but with 100% software libre instead?No, but I would love to hear of one.Dr. Matt Lee at 2012-01-23T21:12:34+00:00
Paulo likes this.
2012-01-17T15:01:09+00:00 To: Public
proposal about #indie #arcade machines, like #torontron, #winnitron or #texatron , using #softwarelibre only - http://is.gd/nU8n5l2012-01-12T23:04:25+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
how can we work on #photogrammetry with !blender ? what do you all reccomend?2012-01-05T16:32:17+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
2011-12-22T21:38:12+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
2011-12-22T21:35:14+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public