Simon Descarpentries at 2013-05-21T09:33:25+00:00
10 bonnes raisons de ne pas aller à la Foire à l'Autogestion parisienne en juin http://www.foire-autogestion.org/La-Foire-en-bede-a-suivreomni reso likes this.
Vincent OpenSourcier, Vincent OpenSourcier shared this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-05-01T14:37:03+00:00
Some tester 131, Ralph Duncan, Koala Yeung, Bernhard E. Reiter and 23 others likes this.
سطام, Jean P, Jean P, Parker and 92 others shared this.
Show all 14 replieslaurelrusswurm at 2012-06-03T22:49:31+00:00
Thanks East Van: Casseroles Night in Canada / La soirée des casseroles au Canada / 30 Mai 2012 http://www.ur1.ca/9fque !CDNpoli !Canadaomni reso likes this.
omni reso, omni reso shared this.
Merci, j'avais déjà vu cette vidéo très intéressante sur le mouvement http://youtu.be/NtY6S6TpyDwomni reso at 2012-06-03T22:52:28+00:00
laurelrusswurm likes this.
Lexie Dee at 2012-06-01T17:40:35+00:00
omni reso likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez at 2012-04-16T22:37:40+00:00
Rotating CSS Image Slider: works in !Debian #IceWeasel 13.0a2 (2012-04-13) #chromium 18.0.1025.151/Bld 130497 http://ur1.ca/90r8t @sdtimesYury Sakarinen, Marcio B. Jr., omni reso likes this.
Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. shared this.
Made in fr at 2012-03-19T08:31:28+00:00
[Article] : "Etiquette électronique, partie 1" sur http://ur1.ca/8qa97omni reso likes this.
omni reso, omni reso, Vincent OpenSourcier, Vincent OpenSourcier shared this.
mcnalu at 2012-03-18T09:40:36+00:00
Committing an idea in writing not only gives it new form but all too often changes it radically, for the better, at least in my case.omni reso likes this.
@mcnalu Wittgenstein said "How do I know what I think until I see what I say?" Substitute writing, & this describes my thought process, too.omni reso likes this.
Marco at 2012-01-20T21:06:58+00:00
Wolfram|Alpha Blog : The Wolfram Education Portal Is Here! http://j.mp/wK12Z8omni reso likes this.
omni reso at 2011-05-06T18:52:13+00:00
Foire bio Pollen 7 et 8 mai à Sermentizon (63, France) : http://www.natureetprogres-auvergne.org/la-foire-pollenomni reso likes this.