Josep Sanchez papapeps@identi.ca
Santa Maria de Merlès, Spain
CALIU (CAtalan LInux Users) Pirates de Catalunya FOSS advocate Sysadmin
2013-11-18T10:38:22Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
We are working in the #DebianWomen #BCNMiniDebconf2014 that will take place the 15th & 16th march 2014. And we need help, canl you help us? https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/Tasks2013-06-18T11:48:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Haver de blocar predicadors a identi.ca #JaEmPucMorir...2013-06-18T11:21:40+00:00 via web To: Public
Civil society letter to United States Congress on Internet and telecommunications surveillance http://ur1.ca/eczfvSiscoGarcia shared this.
Alex Fiestas shared by Josep Sanchez at 2013-06-02T14:55:47+00:00 via api To: Public
Your mother is so old that debian added her in the stable repo. xDDDDEvan Prodromou likes this.
Josep Sanchez, Colegota, Colegota, victorhck and 3 others shared this.
Marco Antonio Flores shared by Josep Sanchez at 2013-06-02T14:51:01+00:00 via api To: Public
Josep Sanchez shared this.
@alpvonkri Más específicamente un Busybox/Linux en vez de un GNU/Linux.2013-02-17T12:00:54+00:00 via web To: Public
Si no voleu que l'aigua cotitzi, deixeu-ho clar a Europa, que és on tallen el bacallà: bit.ly/XGIM6b #Right2Water2012-01-28T00:15:08+00:00 via web To: Public
Les coses _solen_ tenir un perquè, ni que sigui estrambòtic: "Understanding the bin, sbin, usr/bin , usr/sbin split" http://bit.ly/w36Awk2012-01-28T15:16:35+00:00 via web To: a(n) person, Public
Perquè ACTA és encara pitjor que SOPA i PIPA i *hem de moure el cul JA* per aturar-la a Europa! (EN) is.gd/sC527y VIA @FalkvingeToni Hermoso Pulido, Toni Hermoso Pulido, SiscoGarcia, SiscoGarcia and 2 others shared this.
Javier Sotomayor shared by Josep Sanchez at 2012-01-28T15:12:21+00:00 via web To: Public
22 #EU countries ratify #ACTA a global treaty that is similar to #SOPA & PIPA. Mashable: http://on.mash.to/zUnAJQJosep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez, lnxwalt (140 char edition), lnxwalt (140 char edition) shared this.
Javier Sotomayor shared by Josep Sanchez at 2012-01-28T15:12:21+00:00 via web To: Public
22 #EU countries ratify #ACTA a global treaty that is similar to #SOPA & PIPA. Mashable: http://on.mash.to/zUnAJQJosep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez, lnxwalt (140 char edition), lnxwalt (140 char edition) shared this.
2012-01-27T20:03:54+00:00 via web To: Public
Si és que tothom ho sap... http://ur1.ca/7wlej via @lluisanunez #linuxéselfuturJose R Rodriguez shared by Josep Sanchez at 2012-01-27T16:35:02+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
Energía que utilizan en discusiones que nadie va a ganar debería enfocarse en resolver problemas que Microsoft e Apple causan a !GNU/ !LinuxSiscoGarcia, SiscoGarcia, Josep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez shared this.
@metztli eso es verdad, aunque eso de que la !fsf esta en contra de los negocios es relativo -- http://ur1.ca/4amk7Jose R Rodriguez shared by Josep Sanchez at 2012-01-27T16:35:02+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
Energía que utilizan en discusiones que nadie va a ganar debería enfocarse en resolver problemas que Microsoft e Apple causan a !GNU/ !LinuxSiscoGarcia, SiscoGarcia, Josep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez shared this.
@metztli eso es verdad, aunque eso de que la !fsf esta en contra de los negocios es relativo -- http://ur1.ca/4amk72012-01-27T16:07:11+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
A veure si tots emigrem cap aquí d'una puta vegada...2012-01-15T19:23:32+00:00 via web To: Piratenpartei Deutschland, PIRATA.CAT, Public
Discurs de Christopher Lauer de @Piratenpartei al parlament de Berlín. Ara amb subtítols en català: bit.ly/yWNnw7 @partitpirata2012-01-11T00:53:05+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
James Elian, Cyber Killer likes this.
Josep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez, JanKusanagi, JanKusanagi and 2 others shared this.
2012-01-11T00:53:05+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
James Elian, Cyber Killer likes this.
Josep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez, JanKusanagi, JanKusanagi and 2 others shared this.
Tomàs Mallafré Gispert shared by Josep Sanchez at 2012-01-11T00:46:11+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
Josep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez shared this.
Tomàs Mallafré Gispert shared by Josep Sanchez at 2012-01-11T00:46:11+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
Josep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez shared this.
2011-12-31T11:49:44+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
Due to hard times, ongoing recession, and lackluster recovery, the !linux env $HOME will be renamed $APARTMENT now.