Josep Sanchez
Santa Maria de Merlès, Spain
CALIU (CAtalan LInux Users) Pirates de Catalunya FOSS advocate Sysadmin
Simó Albert i Beltran at 2013-11-15T13:07:56Z
Estem preparant per a la #DebianWomen #BCNMiniDebconf2014 que farem els dies 15 i 16 de març de 2014. Ens ajudeu?
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Josep Sanchez, Mònica shared this.
Open attitude at 2011-08-22T13:31:21+00:00
This one's for the children -- the ones who use !Linux, that is... | TechSource Sanchez likes this.
Josep Sanchez, Josep Sanchez shared this.
cubells at 2011-06-28T04:21:28+00:00
El dissabte passat, els Dimonis de Massalfassar vam celebrar els 20 anys: Sanchez likes this.
Alex Fiestas at 2011-06-10T09:44:52+00:00
Ereslibre: GNOME3 has make me forget that I even have a desktop, I love itJosep Sanchez likes this.
SiscoGarcia at 2010-07-30T09:12:53+00:00
!ubuntaires, avui és un gran dia: TOTES les màquines de ubuntitzades. Detalls a Sanchez likes this.