Brianna Laugher pfctdayelise@identi.ca
Melbourne, Australia
wikichiki, feminist, cyclist, introverted, vegetarian Pythonista, GEEK.
The Ada Initiative adainitiative@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Supporting women in open technology and culture
Free Software Foundation fsf@identi.ca
Boston, United States
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Sridhar Dhanapalan yama@identi.ca
Sydney, Australia
Technology Innovation Leader | open to opportunities
Bdale Garbee bdale@identi.ca
Silvia Pfeiffer silviapfeiffer@identi.ca
CEO video metrics company Vquence, Online video technology expert, HTML5 video accessibility, Xiph and Annodex technology
Deb Nicholson eximious@identi.ca
Boston, United States
I like noisy music, tasty food and free software.
Wikimedia at Work wikimediaatwork@identi.ca
Human Resource Updates Job Openings, Hire Announcements, Contracts and more...
Steven Gardig patcito@identi.ca
Hugh Barnes hughbris@identi.ca
Christchurch, New Zealand
I'm not a homophone. Some of my best friends are plays on words.
Dale Dickins madinmelbourne@identi.ca
Melbourne, Australia
clothes artist, new to the magic of opensource, Linux and all things community driven for empowering people.
Michael R. Bernstein webmaven@identi.ca
Albuquerque, United States
Python web developer and consultant, science-fiction fan, American-Israeli dual national. Code for America Fellow.
Benjamin Mako Hill acamako@identi.ca
This account posts summaries of the summaries I write for AcaWiki.