Chad Nelson quvmoh@identi.ca
Boise, United States
Geek, Warrior poet, maker of fine dust and thin shavings. Linux, computers ,tools,Trek, TOS,Ham, Vinyl graphics and stickers.
James h jackson jr jameshjacksonjr@identi.ca
Rhode Island United States
Fan and supporter of #opensource devices and services and also into pureOS linux on my purism librem 15 laptop and backed the purism librem 5 phone coming out!!!
Carl Richardson carlrson@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Since the first iPhone, technology has fascinated me. Now keeping an eye on all things tech.
Lord Drachenblut lorddrachenblut@identi.ca
Derek Carter goozbach@identi.ca
Randy Noseworthy randynose@identi.ca
Greater Cleveland, Oh Area..
Linux Mint, FOSS, Podcasting, Open Source, Food, People, Geek, Techie, Trucker... Widower.