Maxwell Draven ravenman@identi.ca
Strelsau, Ruritania
I'm a FLOSS enthusiast with an interest in artificial intelligence, robotics and systems administration
linuxaria at 2013-07-06T06:00:06+00:00
Maxwell Draven likes this.
raspberrypiblog at 2013-07-05T13:30:17+00:00
!raspberrypi blog: PrivateEyePi – a DIY home alarm system - http://ur1.ca/ejespMaxwell Draven likes this.
linuxaria at 2013-07-04T06:00:04+00:00
Maxwell Draven likes this.
linuxaria at 2013-07-03T14:00:05+00:00
[RT] Introduction to #Proxmox Ve #kvm #openvz #linux #opensource #virtualization http://goo.gl/UKZjOMaxwell Draven likes this.
linuxaria at 2013-07-03T06:00:04+00:00
Maxwell Draven likes this.
raspberrypiblog at 2013-07-01T13:30:10+00:00
!raspberrypi blog: The MagPi issue 14, out today! - http://ur1.ca/ehwmzMaxwell Draven likes this.
Ismael Puerto at 2013-06-27T16:56:15+00:00
Install !Oracle 12c on !CentOS 6.4 !Linux http://ur1.ca/egiu7Maxwell Draven likes this.
Open attitude at 2013-06-25T13:59:21+00:00
#PRISM-proof your phone with these encrypted apps and services | Digital Trends http://ur1.ca/efrioMaxwell Draven likes this.
Open attitude at 2013-06-21T12:37:37+00:00
Maxwell Draven likes this.
Rebel Jedi at 2013-06-15T11:21:32+00:00
10 formas en que das información sin darte cuenta http://ur1.ca/ebqcvMaxwell Draven likes this.
Red de Investigación Educativa - ieRed at 2013-06-15T14:30:04+00:00
Todos deberían aprender a programar! http://ur1.ca/ebz3nMaxwell Draven likes this.
l30bravo at 2013-06-16T16:19:23+00:00
Receta para evitar el espionaje: software libre y cifrado http://ur1.ca/ebl2rMaxwell Draven likes this.
moonwatcher, a(n) person shared this.
Command Line Magic at 2013-06-17T14:40:04+00:00
http://bit.ly/17SUs09 # Inspiring story about a child from a broken home who through perseverance became a leader in Comp. Sci.Maxwell Draven likes this.
Comunidad de Software Libre, UCR at 2013-06-14T16:27:09+00:00
¿Te preocupa tu seguridad? Esta guía de cifrado con Software Libre te puede ser útil http://ur1.ca/ebl2rMaxwell Draven likes this.
Rafael Bonifaz at 2013-06-13T04:08:10+00:00
Edúquese y aprenda sobre !softwarelibre y privacidad. Investigue estos proyectos http://prism-break.org/ #prismbreakcmike, Maxwell Draven likes this.
Gatoso Oso, cmike, Demuxer blogspot.com, victorhck shared this.
♻ @rbonifaz Edúquese y aprenda sobre !softwarelibre y privacidad. Investigue estos proyectos http://prism-break.org/ #prismbreakJanKusanagi at 2013-06-09T19:28:18+00:00
Reminder, here's a list of clients you can use after !identica switches to the !pumpio system: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/ClientsMaxwell Draven, John Drinkwater, Mauricio Mejia likes this.
undeletable unchangeable unuseable for years, *freie funken*, dper@identi.ca shared this.
@mauriciomejia Para seguir a gente, usa pump2status.net que busca a tus amigos de identica en pumpio. o empieza por http://e14n.com/evanLaura Arjona Reina at 2013-06-09T19:56:30+00:00
Mauricio Mejia likes this.
linuxaria at 2013-06-10T14:00:05+00:00
Maxwell Draven likes this.
raspberrypiblog at 2013-06-02T22:00:09+00:00
!raspberrypi blog: MagPi issue 13: out now, and free to download! - http://ur1.ca/e5nqzMaxwell Draven likes this.