Arthur Schiwon at 2013-06-02T20:09:26+00:00
mit vorratsdatenspeicherung hätte das Hochwasser verhindert werden können #vdsReinhard likes this.
undeletable unchangeable unuseable for years shared this.
Videoüberwachung hätte sicher auch geholfen, @blizzzClaudia at 2013-06-11T20:17:10+00:00
Stelle grad fest, dass die Gummibärentüte eine 360 g Maxiedition ist. Jammere ich später wg. Bauchweh, ignoriert mich. #omnomnomReinhard likes this.
undeletable unchangeable unuseable for years at 2013-05-13T19:32:10+00:00
@gh00str Das ist Betrug, die Länder wollen die Hoheit über die Lehrer und finanzieren über die Arbeitslosenversicherung.Reinhard likes this.
Fefes Blog at 2013-04-12T16:23:14+00:00
Erinnert ihr euch an die Greenpeace-Geschichte? Atommüllfässer im Ärmelkanal? Der eine oder andere wird sich gefr... likes this.
Shakthi Kannan at 2013-04-03T02:54:29+00:00
"Follow your passion, not the latest fashion." ~ Suhas PatilReinhard, Parin Sharma likes this.
Reinhard, Reinhard, Parin Sharma, Parin Sharma shared this.
Shakthi Kannan at 2013-03-23T05:04:45+00:00
"No book could ever come close to teaching you what life itself can teach you if you live it with your eyes wide open." ~ Robin SharmaReinhard likes this.
hellekin at 2013-03-22T21:18:54+00:00
What's up in the #cloud? CIA spends $600M to get an answer from #Amazon. !Ubuntu dev should you be wary of your alliances?Reinhard likes this.
Shakthi Kannan at 2013-03-20T04:43:29+00:00
"In every Winter's heart lies a quivering Spring. Behind the veil of each night waits a smiling dawn." ~ Kahlil GibranReinhard likes this.
morgenland at 2013-03-20T05:11:42+00:00
Zurück. Woran man bemerkt, dass das eigene Auto mich mag? Ich steige ein und Thelonius Monk fängt an zu spielen. #Love #MusicReinhard likes this.
Matthieu Lalonde at 2013-03-09T21:04:36+00:00
Reinhard, Stephen Michael Kellat, ghostdancer likes this.
Simó Albert i Beltran, Simó Albert i Beltran, Stephen Michael Kellat, Stephen Michael Kellat and 2 others shared this.
@xsmurf it's funny because it's true.♺ @xsmurf: "…soon !Ubuntu might…become an ancient word for 'I should have installed !Debian'" — @electronaut: "it's funny because it's true"Wissenschaft und Schreie at 2013-03-07T19:56:13+00:00
"Geschichtsprofessorin: "Die #Germanen sind eine Erfindung"" !wissenschaft !de !nachrichten !dailyme #geschichteReinhard likes this.
zoowar at 2013-03-09T17:41:35+00:00
I imagine the Papal Conclave is a circle jerk.Reinhard, Erkan Yılmaz likes this.
9GAG at 2013-03-09T16:23:05+00:00
When somebody says “10 years ago” I think about the 90’s instead of 2003Reinhard, Amin Asoode likes this.
Wilbert Isaac Cortés, Wilbert Isaac Cortés shared this.