Rigo Wenning rigo@identi.ca
IAAL and succumbed to computers as early as 1987. Had a focus on data protection for a long time. Now additionally copyright and general IPR
Glyn Moody at 2012-12-03T09:38:14+00:00
Amelia Andersdotter on Data Protection Regulation Opinion - http://bit.ly/SroAFU @teirdes nails deep problems in EU #dataprotection proposalRigo Wenning likes this.
Thomas Stadler at 2012-03-09T07:34:10+00:00
Gastbeitrag in meinem Blog: Der (Un)Sinn der De-Mail http://ping.fm/7cUAGRigo Wenning likes this.
Rigo Wenning, Rigo Wenning, geekpirat, geekpirat shared this.
RA Michael Seidlitz at 2012-01-16T08:06:28+00:00
Xamit-Datenschutzbarometer 2011: Datenschutzkonform handelnde Unternehmen sollen einen Wettbewerbsnachteil haben http://is.gd/ju7kCQRigo Wenning likes this.
RA Michael Seidlitz at 2011-06-24T20:17:06+00:00
"EU-Verbraucherrechterichtlinie verabschiedet – Endlich wird europaweiter Onlinehandel möglich" von @foehlisch http://is.gd/6lCwK6Rigo Wenning likes this.
RA Michael Seidlitz at 2011-03-26T09:25:43+00:00
Prividor (Privacy Violation Detektor) des Fraunhofer-Instituts spürt Datenschutzverletzungen auf Websites auf http://is.gd/2Vojo1Rigo Wenning likes this.
James Bryce Clark at 2010-06-30T06:29:32+00:00
Internet started w open, simple #standards; getting more complex, less usable: @timoreilly at Law.Gov on #egov http://youtu.be/WwzKwjDTH7gRigo Wenning likes this.