ronnyfm ronnyfm@identi.ca
Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ at 2011-07-20T18:53:30+00:00
MacOS is a Unix much like the Uruk-hai were once Elves, taken by the Dark Lord, tortured and mutilated into their current abomination.Loic J. Duros, Kat Walsh, X11R666, Ⓧⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ and 36 others likes this.
ronnyfm, ronnyfm, gonewtw, gonewtw and 89 others shared this.
Børge A. Roum at 2011-03-23T22:49:39+00:00
Why is there no Firefox 4 banners on http://bit.ly/eciDID or anywhere else? What's a poor blogger supposed to do? #fx4 @mozilla @firefoxronnyfm likes this.
Alberto Maturano at 2010-12-08T19:00:50+00:00
There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, <The connection has timed out> o_O | www.mastercard.com #wikileaks #payback !qAlberto Maturano, ronnyfm likes this.
Carlos Solís at 2010-10-12T20:42:47+00:00
RD @r2d221 Me gustaría tener a alguien con quien platicar de cualquier cosa. Lo triste es que lo que más se asemeja es mi cuenta de Twitter.ronnyfm likes this.
ronnyfm at 2010-09-14T04:02:01+00:00
De tierras lejanas he venido, sabanero bien montado, solo para venirte a ver morena que me tienes encantado. (día del programador)ronnyfm likes this.
Diego Chacón at 2010-06-30T16:59:50+00:00
RT @jaguardP: para los que tengan VLC este es el LINK para ver TV en buena calidad http://bit.ly/deaSM9 //#interesante (via @miguelrojas)ronnyfm likes this.
Gaby Mejía at 2010-06-29T04:37:45+00:00
"Es que, esto de los lenguajes (de programación) es como las personas, uno nunca termina de conocerlos bien" - Un amigo. (he reído tanto)ronnyfm likes this.
SLargentina at 2010-05-22T06:07:58+00:00
Convertir videos a WebM desde GNU/Linux - http://is.gd/ck2J1ronnyfm likes this.
Carolina Flores Hine, Carolina Flores Hine shared this.
Geekgoló at 2010-05-10T16:04:26+00:00
!GeekQueSeRespeta juega Frets on Fire X con mod de NES de 8 bits http://ur1.ca/002q4ronnyfm likes this.