Paul Frields at 2010-10-26T22:20:43+00:00
!Fedora 14 RC1 has been declared GOLD and will be released Nov 2! Less than one week to go...Shaun McCance likes this.
Gerard Ryan, Gerard Ryan, Bryan Kearney, Bryan Kearney and 2 others shared this.
Luis Villa at 2010-05-06T22:23:44+00:00
Making a document 25% shorter while retaining the same meaning is hard but also really, really satisfying.Shaun McCance likes this.
Javier Jardón at 2010-03-04T19:21:05+00:00
!seed #Tutorial: use !GNOME platform libraries with !JavaScript: http://live.gnome.org/Seed/Tutorial !gtkBruce Cowan, Shaun McCance likes this.
♺ @jjardon: !seed #Tutorial: use !GNOME platform libraries with !JavaScript: http://live.gnome.org/Seed/Tutorial !gtkKarsten Wade at 2010-03-04T18:44:50+00:00
Dear most male hip-hop/R&B artists: enough with strippers in bars love stories and blaming the alcohol. Boys deserve better role models.Shaun McCance likes this.
Luis Villa at 2010-02-02T00:44:48+00:00
There is something very satisfying in eliminating a redundant word. Thanks to Doc for pounding that through my thick skull in 11th grade.Shaun McCance likes this.
j1mc at 2009-07-15T13:38:39+00:00
I told my boss that python-docutils are Free as in freedom and free as in beer, and she replied, "You're so funny."Shaun McCance likes this.