Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2013-06-24T22:51:44+00:00
"governments will use whatever technology is available to them to combat their primary enemy – which is their own population,” Noam ChomskySylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, CHABOT Simon, ®om, Krugor and 1 others shared this.
Quote For The Day at 2013-04-17T06:00:21+00:00
“The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” #Q4TD !qDavid "Judah's Shadow" Blue, Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
®om at 2013-04-05T06:31:17+00:00
La guerre du copyright menace la santé d'Internet, par Cory Doctorow - http://ur1.ca/d9scl #framablogSylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy, Krugor, Krugor shared this.
Glyn Moody at 2013-03-05T16:59:16+00:00
Yes, The US Industrial Revolution Was Built On Piracy And Fraud - http://bit.ly/YLCsuu worth rememberingSylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy, Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
Framasoft at 2012-09-28T08:26:06+00:00
Condamné par Google pour avoir partagé son propre livre libre sur Internet ! http://ur1.ca/afjtj Du beau #CopyrightMadnessSylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy, idoric, idoric and 4 others shared this.
Valentin Villenave at 2012-09-20T07:24:53+00:00
Terrifying images of #MuslimRage. http://identi.ca/url/73613951 Gosh, I hope "they" never make it into our holy civilized countries.Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Valentin Villenave at 2012-09-17T07:42:16+00:00
The painfully touching confession of a former !republican http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/09/10-3 This is a great man.Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Framasoft at 2012-09-18T20:59:28+00:00
Peut-être la seule recommandation du gouvernement allemand que vous pouvez suivre les yeux fermés :) http://ur1.ca/abr9y #IE #MicrosoftSylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy, Ewen Corre shared this.
nojhan at 2012-09-11T11:45:49+00:00
RT @itsWillyFerrell Quand vous allez qqpart et oubliez pourquoi vous êtes là, c'est Dieu qui joue aux Sims, il vient d'annuler l'action.Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2012-08-06T18:33:57+00:00
More Anti-Youtube Whining: 'YouTube Complies With Our Takedown Requests Just To Make Us Look Bad' - http://bit.ly/Mshwtv yeah, rightSylvain Delafoy likes this.
Fabien Niñoles, Fabien Niñoles, Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Glyn Moody at 2012-07-19T11:43:46+00:00
Should Whales and Dolphins Have ‘Human Rights’? - http://bit.ly/NBZqjT "evidence is overwhelming that cetaceans are special."Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Kevin C. at 2012-06-14T07:46:31+00:00
Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
nojhan at 2012-06-07T04:53:44+00:00
Une superbe photo de Vénus en transit devant le soleil, par le satellite Japonais Hinode : http://ping.fm/pDplWSylvain Delafoy, Lydie likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy, Xavier G., Xavier G. and 6 others shared this.
Kevin C. at 2012-06-08T12:26:18+00:00
Hey, les ayants droit, je crois que vous n'imaginez pas à quel point votre action est contreproductive http://bit.ly/Klr2XJSylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.
Kevin C. at 2012-06-11T23:24:12+00:00
Soirée d'entreprise en club. Ce moment gènant où la danseuse te choisit parmi l'assistance de 100 pers. pr une lap dance, heureusement sage.Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
Alexis Kauffmann at 2012-02-12T11:22:18+00:00
Pour vaincre la bataille tu dois connaître et comprendre ton ennemi. Pas facile pour les partisans d'ACTA ! http://ur1.ca/84jm1Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy, Vincent OpenSourcier, Vincent OpenSourcier shared this.
Glyn Moody at 2012-02-09T17:37:12+00:00
If The Internet Is Treated Just Like The Offline World, We'd Never Have Ridiculous Laws Like #SOPA/PIPA - http://bit.ly/xyNI0k in picturesSylvain Delafoy likes this.
♻ @glynmoody If The Internet Is Treated Just Like The Offline World, #SOPA/PIPA - http://bit.ly/xyNI0k in picturesPloum at 2012-01-18T07:14:48+00:00
Voici ma manière à moi de lutter contre SOPA: http://ur1.ca/7k1kx !framasoftSylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy, Taha, Taha and 7 others shared this.
Glyn Moody at 2012-01-02T13:09:42+00:00
Scoop : l'#Hadopi est morte le 24 décembre! - http://bit.ly/v8ZayF only in a legal sense; it lives on as a zombie (v @StopActaNow @Numerama)Sylvain Delafoy likes this.
Sylvain Delafoy, Sylvain Delafoy shared this.