KDE Community kdecommunity@identi.ca
Team creating free and open source software, offering an advanced graphical desktop and a wide variety of applications for GNU/Linux.
Louis Roché khady@identi.ca
Ampuis, France
Etudiant, lecteur, développeur, technophile et libriste. Je m’intéresse aussi à la politique. Entrepreneur.
Partido Pirata Colombiano ppco@identi.ca
Proyecto de Partido Pirata Colombiano - Project fot Pirate Party Colombia - Projekt on Piratpartiet Colombia
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
barbara delollis barbdelollis@identi.ca
Judiciary Square, United States
Barbara edits/writes USA TODAY's Hotel Check-In blog when not touring/photographing new or renovated hotels.
Robert Anderson chronic@identi.ca
Seattle, United States
I like family, computers, my i Phone, astronomy, astrology, electronics, travel, and Ham Radio. de NX7N
Francisco Aparecido da Silva fafanet@identi.ca
I like GNU/Linux, I love freedom, and I read too many webcomics. I'm a very happy user of GNU/Debian, Gnome, Vim and Mutt.
Anthony Kennerson anthonyjk@identi.ca
Middle aged Black poltitcal Leftist/sex radical/sex-positive progressive
Bill Whetstone tvisio@identi.ca
Multi-Media Artist - Lover of Home Grown Tomatoes, Creator of Google's #1 DIY Economic Stimulus @ http://www.tvisio.com
Steve Adams steveradams@identi.ca
Piratenpartei Brandenburg piratenparteibb@identi.ca
Potsdam, Germany
Landesverband Brandenburg der Piratenpartei Deutschland; Gründung: 03.10.2008; Anschrift: Am Bürohochhaus 2-4, 14478 Potsdam
Piratenpartei-News piratennews@identi.ca
Alle News- und Blog-Artikel zur Piratenpartei im Stundentakt [automatisiert]
Software Freedom Law Center sflc@identi.ca
New York, United States
We provide legal representation and other law-related services to protect and advance Free, Libre, and Open Source Software.