Thorsten Behrens thb@identi.ca
Hamburg, Germany
Free software enthusiast; LibreOffice hacker; TDF Director; worst drummer ever.
Glyn Moody shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-06-07T11:56:06+00:00 via web To: Public
Looks like @jimmyschulz's battle against #swpats in Germany is going well - http://bit.ly/ZBm3JA great newsThorsten Behrens shared this.
2013-06-05T19:53:46+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
yay, #inboxzero. first time in weeks.2013-05-25T12:34:06+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
attending fstrba's interesting 'Give me my drawing back' reverse engineering talk at #linuxtag2013-05-17T12:10:18+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Zeki Bildirici, Public
@ZekiBildirici you rock - thx for setting up @LibreOfficeBugs and @AskLibreOffice :)2013-05-17T11:06:40+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
sorted out travel for #linuxtag - will be there next Friday and Saturday at #libreoffice booth2013-05-15T17:26:22+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Florian Effenberger, Public
@floeff where to?@thb I'm basically searching for something that allows me to use my own domain; otherwise freedns.afraid.org sounds good2013-05-06T09:46:27+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
oh - international no-diet day is now! /me fetching the cocolate ... ;) - http://ur1.ca/z7g9Glyn Moody shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-05-01T08:54:41+00:00 via web To: Public
'Find what you love and let it kill you' - http://bit.ly/Yd3ork fine meditation on giving meaning to your life (v @Asher_Wolf) #musicThorsten Behrens, Thorsten Behrens shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-05-01T08:54:41+00:00 via web To: Public
'Find what you love and let it kill you' - http://bit.ly/Yd3ork fine meditation on giving meaning to your life (v @Asher_Wolf) #musicThorsten Behrens, Thorsten Behrens shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-04-30T09:31:30+00:00 via web To: Public
The Web: 20 Years of #RF Licensing - http://bit.ly/ZT8WHYm the argument is over: time to junk #FRAND nowThorsten Behrens, Thorsten Behrens shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-04-30T09:31:30+00:00 via web To: Public
The Web: 20 Years of #RF Licensing - http://bit.ly/ZT8WHYm the argument is over: time to junk #FRAND nowThorsten Behrens, Thorsten Behrens shared this.
2013-04-25T09:09:12+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
judge fining himself for contempt: http://ur1.ca/dir8b #selfreferential2013-04-15T11:48:39+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Eike Rathke, Public
@erack oooh yes. first time this year I was reluctant to get inside again. ;)2013-04-09T12:47:37+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
nice #hackweek progress on core-text / 64bit mac porting by Tor: http://ur1.ca/dbip5Florian Effenberger shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-04-04T10:36:42+00:00 via web To: Public
#LibreOffice 4.0.2 is released: http://wp.me/p1byPE-oiTupulpo likes this.
Franz R., Franz R., LinuxBird, LinuxBird and 6 others shared this.
Florian Effenberger shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-04-04T10:36:42+00:00 via web To: Public
#LibreOffice 4.0.2 is released: http://wp.me/p1byPE-oiTupulpo likes this.
Franz R., Franz R., LinuxBird, LinuxBird and 6 others shared this.
The Document Foundation shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-03-27T12:18:06+00:00 via web To: Public
In time for #documentfreedomday - TDF releases White Paper to help migrations to #LibreOffice: http://ur1.ca/d6s1x #dfdDocument Freedom Day, Document Freedom Day, Simon Phipps, Simon Phipps and 5 others shared this.
♻ @tdforg In time for #documentfreedomday - TDF releases White Paper to help migrations to #LibreOffice: http://ur1.ca/d6s1x #dfdThe Document Foundation shared by Thorsten Behrens at 2013-03-27T12:18:06+00:00 via web To: Public
In time for #documentfreedomday - TDF releases White Paper to help migrations to #LibreOffice: http://ur1.ca/d6s1x #dfdDocument Freedom Day, Document Freedom Day, Simon Phipps, Simon Phipps and 5 others shared this.
♻ @tdforg In time for #documentfreedomday - TDF releases White Paper to help migrations to #LibreOffice: http://ur1.ca/d6s1x #dfd2013-03-26T10:15:33+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
public service announcement - git review -x <patch_num> considered useful. http://ur1.ca/d6doq #libreoffice2013-03-26T08:35:55+00:00 via web To: Public
FOSDEM and CeBIT 2013: http://ur1.ca/d6cs5 #libreoffice