2014-02-19T17:17:35Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-05-27T04:53:11+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
Obsolescência programada [Planned obsolescence] → «Espanhol é ameaçado de morte por criar lâmpada que não queima» http://ur1.ca/e22hh2013-05-27T04:36:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Google is like that annoying kid that wants you to pull his finger. “Hey log in. Naw just log in! Just use your real name! Come on do it!”Texas Jack, ddevine@identi.ca, Susan Pinochet likes this.
AJ Huera (Temuco) shared by Texas Jack at 2013-05-27T04:33:03+00:00 via web To: Public
Android supera a iOS en proyectos Open Source http://bit.ly/13QGTukTexas Jack, Texas Jack shared this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes shared by Texas Jack at 2013-03-20T04:46:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Denied the health danger of tobacco http://ur1.ca/d4784Texas Jack, Texas Jack shared this.
2013-02-01T21:23:34+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
"Todos deveriam usar ferramentas de pirataria e contravenção", diz Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) http://ur1.ca/co78w2013-02-01T01:07:27+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
2013-01-31T11:23:20+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
OH POVO BURRO! ACORDA, PORRA! Tão comendo m*? <http://ur1.ca/cnwm0>2013-01-31T10:20:49+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
E agora? http://ur1.ca/cnw6g2013-01-31T10:18:22+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
«Raciocínio Lógico: 80% dos brasileiros não pensam mais. 15% tenta mudar algo. 5% manda e desmanda como bem entende.» fonte: ao teu redor2013-01-31T03:33:59+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
ping2012-02-04T11:53:18+00:00 via web To: Public
Remember that it is not that #copyright protected works are liberated or emancipated, but that PEOPLE are - to share their own culture.rozzin, drew Roberts likes this.
Texas Jack, Texas Jack shared this.
I look forward to the future when we must ask a lawyer first before singing to our children and saying hello to our neighbours #sarcasmshared by Texas Jack at 2012-02-04T08:39:42+00:00 via web To: Public
So Google... I'm somehow violating your TOS when I search with Tor enabled? Track this: Fuck you.lostson, Clay Hobbs, Sander, a(n) person and 13 others likes this.
The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta and 23 others shared this.
check out https://ixquick.com/Try this, too: http://ur1.ca/77t Scroogle.2012-02-04T13:15:20+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
2012-02-04T13:07:33+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil To: Public
"Tomem vergonha na cara e percam a cabeça. Eu sou um moleque que viu um massacre." Pedro Rios Leao http://ur1.ca/807vi #Pinheirinho2011-02-18T16:26:12+00:00 in Porto Alegre, Brazil To: Public
ping-pong2011-01-12T17:59:12+00:00 in Porto Alegre, Brazil To: Public
2011-01-07T21:41:02+00:00 in Porto Alegre, Brazil To: Public
O #AI5Digital, a analogia das leis e a pedofilia http://ping.fm/OKLaG2011-01-07T05:35:29+00:00 in Porto Alegre, Brazil To: Public
Pubbs - www.pubbs.net http://ping.fm/8NU9D2011-01-01T08:31:44+00:00 in Porto Alegre, Brazil To: Fa Conti, Public