Uwe Hermann uwehermann@identi.ca
Debian, coreboot, flashrom, sigrok, and libopencm3 developer. Free Software and Open Hardware enthusiast and contributor.
Alex Covic at 2010-08-10T23:08:45+00:00
Nice to see in the Starcraft 2 credits that Blizzard is using !GNU !FOSS - sure not b/c they have no money.Uwe Hermann likes this.
Brett Smith at 2010-06-04T19:22:16+00:00
#Google just updated the #WebM license to make it #GPL compatible: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/googles-updated-webm-license !fsf !gnua(n) person, Uwe Hermann, Deb Nicholson, Christopher Allan Webber and 9 others likes this.
Uwe Hermann, Uwe Hermann, Luis Villa, Luis Villa and 18 others shared this.
RD: @brettcsmith: Google updated the WebM license to make it GPL compatible: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/googles-updated-webm-licenseJan Wildeboer at 2010-06-02T21:23:10+00:00
https://wiki.koumbit.net/AndroidFreeSoftware FaiF sw for android.Uwe Hermann likes this.
Uwe Hermann, Uwe Hermann shared this.