Jim Fulner at 2025-01-31T03:41:36Z
@debian@identi.ca as long as you're still posting on identi.ca that's the way you'll reach the true believers.Vejeta likes this.
Meet @Debian at @fosdem2025 next weekend! We will be at building K level 1. #debian #fosdem #fosdem2025
Debian Project at 2025-01-30T23:33:02Z
Meet @Debian at @fosdem2025 next weekend! We will be at building K level 1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2025/FOSDEM #debian #fosdem #fosdem2025
Vejeta likes this.
The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on , on , or any media as listed on
Debian Project at 2025-01-29T11:57:03Z
The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on https://bits.debian.org , on https://micronews.debian.org/ , or any media as listed on https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/otherSN
Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
@debian@identi.ca as long as you're still posting on identi.ca that's the way you'll reach the true believers.Jim Fulner at 2025-01-31T03:41:36Z
Vejeta likes this.
Happy 20th anniversary with love to Mozilla's Thunderbird and Firefox suites, 20 years of strength and security in the world of FLOSS! #mozilla #thunderbird #firefox #floss
Debian Project at 2024-12-07T16:21:03Z
Happy 20th anniversary with love to Mozilla's Thunderbird and Firefox suites, 20 years of strength and security in the world of FLOSS! #mozilla #thunderbird #firefox #floss
Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
Great work done by the 2024 Google Summer of Code contributors working on Debian! Read all about their experience here: #debian #gsoc
Debian Project at 2024-11-08T22:24:03Z
Great work done by the 2024 Google Summer of Code contributors working on Debian! Read all about their experience here: https://outreach-team.pages.debian.net/ #debian #gsoc
Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
Videos from the MiniDebConf Toulouse are now available! View any session via their title in the program here: #debian #debconf #miniDebConfToulouse
Debian Project at 2024-11-21T06:33:02Z
Videos from the MiniDebConf Toulouse are now available! View any session via their title in the program here: https://toulouse2024.mini.debconf.org/schedule/ #debian #debconf #miniDebConfToulouse
Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
Updated Debian 12: 12.1 released
Debian Project at 2023-07-22T18:27:05Z
Updated Debian 12: 12.1 released https://www.debian.org/News/2023/20230722
RiveraValdez, MATTEO BECHINI, Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
Singularity-container (container platform focused on supporting "Mobility of Compute") version 3.11.0+ds1-1~fto12+1 is now available for bookworm users via bookworm-fasttrack. See for more information.
Debian Project at 2023-06-14T16:45:03Z
Singularity-container (container platform focused on supporting "Mobility of Compute") version 3.11.0+ds1-1~fto12+1 is now available for bookworm users via bookworm-fasttrack. See https://wiki.debian.org/FastTrack for more information.
RiveraValdez, Vejeta likes this.
Registration and the Call for Proposals for DebConf23 are now open!
Debian Project at 2023-06-12T22:15:03Z
Registration and the Call for Proposals for DebConf23 are now open! https://bits.debian.org/2023/06/debconf23-registation-opens.html
RiveraValdez, Vejeta likes this.
RiveraValdez shared this.
Before we sign off we wish to say thank you to all of our Developers, Contributors, Sponsors, Friends, and Users for the amazing support and community building that we have all done over the years. We hope you enjoy Debian 12 "bookworm"! Thank you, thank you all very much! #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian12 #Debian
Debian Project at 2023-06-11T02:27:03Z
Before we sign off we wish to say thank you to all of our Developers, Contributors, Sponsors, Friends, and Users for the amazing support and community building that we have all done over the years. We hope you enjoy Debian 12 "bookworm"! Thank you, thank you all very much! #ReleasingDebianBookworm #Debian12 #Debian
RiveraValdez, Vejeta likes this.
Jim Fulner at 2023-05-29T02:52:05Z
I hear rumors they are going to bring ActivityPub to Identi.ca. Can anyone confirm or deny it? I really this it would be appreciated. Still many on the #Fediverse who have found memories of identi.ca but "had" to stop using it.Vejeta likes this.
Debian Reunion Hamburg started yesterday with over 42 participants; social events as well as streamed talks upcoming. Joining, either remotely or in person still possible. See
Debian Project at 2023-05-24T18:18:03Z
Debian Reunion Hamburg started yesterday with over 42 participants; social events as well as streamed talks upcoming. Joining, either remotely or in person still possible. See https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2023/DebianReunionHamburg
Vejeta likes this.
Wish me luck
75th annual Michigan Regional Pipe Smoking ComtestVejeta, Jim Fulner likes this.
Jim Fulner at 2023-04-11T17:14:50Z
I had been off of here for almost a decade. Can anyone tell me how to clear this out of my messages? (Not to mention why my message notifications always seem to be aboout my own interactions (with myself?)Vejeta likes this.
Woops forgot the screen shot, and I dont' see an option to delte & re-draft [img]https://i.imgur.com/ssSHfD1.jpg[/img]View">https://imgur.com/ssSHfD1">View post on imgur.com
Jim Fulner at 2023-04-11T17:18:39Z
Vejeta likes this.
Jim Fulner at 2023-04-11T17:18:39Z
Woops forgot the screen shot, and I dont' see an option to delte & re-draft [img]https://i.imgur.com/ssSHfD1.jpg[/img]View">https://imgur.com/ssSHfD1">View post on imgur.com
Vejeta likes this.
Survey to gather feedback on the native Debian package of GitLab
Debian Project at 2023-04-10T15:57:03Z
Survey to gather feedback on the native Debian package of GitLab https://lists.debian.org/debian-ruby/2023/04/msg00013.html
Jim Fulner, Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.
"Some fun facts about AI and a few thoughts about the software ecosystem trend" by M. Zhou (and info about the Debian Deep Learning team)
Debian Project at 2023-03-29T13:12:02Z
"Some fun facts about AI and a few thoughts about the software ecosystem trend" by M. Zhou (and info about the Debian Deep Learning team) https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2023/03/msg00026.html
Vejeta likes this.
Vejeta shared this.