Parker Higgins xor@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
CA to NYC to Berlin and back. A !freeculture and !freesoftware enthusiast, working as activist @eff.
2012-08-28T20:53:39+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via web To: Public
More than pressuring CC to deprecate -NC and -ND, we should encourage and celebrate people using and building with real free content.Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2012-05-04T04:46:11+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
You know who *else* doesn't use encryption...? http://prkr.ph/zut2012-05-03T23:24:54+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
UK ID programs are an expensive and wasteful failure. After this week's Heathrow fiasco, the UKBA system also went out http://prkr.ph/j1b2012-05-03T22:27:50+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Blimps don't inspire the same fear as "typical" UAVs. They should. Like this 370-foot, missile-packing, domestic guy. http://prkr.ph/okt2012-05-03T20:40:19+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: a(n) person, Public
A sneak peek inside Berlin's new unified airport, #BER. Some great shots in here: http://prkr.ph/xyx /cc @David2012-05-03T20:30:56+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
.@DavidGraeber on capitalism's dirty secret: it's never functioned without slavery. Second IKEA slave story this week: http://prkr.ph/g7m2012-05-03T20:11:08+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Do honor systems on mass transit only work in small cities? LA might find out: http://prkr.ph/wrh Current fare evasion rate is only 3-5%.@xor http://enwp.org/SkyTrain_(Vancouver) has 5% evasion and 400,000 daily boardings (33% > than LA), also adding gates: http://ur1.ca/95x672012-05-03T19:50:00+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
More on Hulu/piracy from @PKFalcon http://prkr.ph/nya Perverse incentives: a successful Hulu was a problem — in the short term.2012-05-03T19:30:33+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Very smart thoughts on Hulu and "piracy" from @normative http://prkr.ph/no5 We can't keep pretending pricing and piracy are independent.2012-05-03T19:08:00+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
"That’s ridiculous. People shouldn’t be going around with privacy if they don’t want other people invading it." http://prkr.ph/08u2012-05-02T19:50:49+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
OPD tank info courtesy of @zunguzungu: http://prkr.ph/bwmGreg Grossmeier, Greg Grossmeier shared this.
2012-05-02T19:50:26+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
That TANK Oakland police were driving around at #MayDay? It gets better. The cash-strapped city spent $323k to buy it — from Blackwater.Greg Grossmeier, Greg Grossmeier shared this.
@xor APC. Tanks cost 10x more. But still utterly ridiculous, stupid, evil, etc.2012-05-02T19:01:42+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
A how-to guide for preventing Skype stalking: http://prkr.ph/xzf Of course, the most effective method still is not using Skype.2012-05-02T18:49:15+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
EU Court of Justice continues its hot streak. New ruling makes it clear computer functionality can't be copyrighted http://prkr.ph/k862012-05-02T17:26:46+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Wow. 24 hours later I'm discovering that the Facebook organ donor story isn't a joke. http://prkr.ph/wiz2012-05-02T17:24:22+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
NYT op-ed argues the German Pirate Party is more important structurally than politically. Net is message and medium. http://prkr.ph/8nu2012-05-02T01:17:32+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Remember last month @rsingel wrote: "You should never again believe any privacy promise Google makes." http://prkr.ph/qrr2012-05-02T01:16:18+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Slate's @fmanjoo asks, "Is it time to stop trusting Google?" http://prkr.ph/a50 Um, yes.2012-05-01T00:59:23+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
For some reason the Tea Party isn't crazy about this hellish Sarah Palin sculpture that roasts whole pigs (!) http://prkr.ph/sym2012-05-01T21:56:11+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
The history of key design, in photos. http://prkr.ph/z42