Parker Higgins xor@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
CA to NYC to Berlin and back. A !freeculture and !freesoftware enthusiast, working as activist @eff.
Greg Grossmeier at 2012-03-17T21:52:12+00:00
Rowan made his first snow angel today.Parker Higgins likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2012-03-08T15:05:32+00:00
#SOPA poked an angry bear and set it loose on the net - http://bit.ly/A05apR revealing comments from Rob Levine #ACTAParker Higgins likes this.
Greg Grossmeier at 2012-02-29T20:02:36+00:00
For those curious, apparently there is a police basketball game at the park near my house every Wednesday late morning. #whew #wasntmeParker Higgins, Pete Daniels likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2012-02-16T13:31:47+00:00
Movies Are Expensive To Make Because They're So Lucrative - http://slate.me/xVmNMx crucial point (v @normative) #businessmodels #copyrightParker Higgins likes this.
Sage Ross at 2012-01-13T20:05:00+00:00
We got a Blu-ray player. This is the most user-hostile consumer technology I've ever used. Piracy is a waaaay better user experience.Parker Higgins likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2010-12-27T20:39:01+00:00
http://WikipediaIllustrated.org illustrating 26 !Wikipedia articles aiming towards a visual free culture via @mushon !ccParker Higgins, Jesús E. Franco Martínez likes this.
Kuro Sawai, Kuro Sawai shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2010-10-07T21:26:50+00:00
Snuggly The Security Bear returns to reassure us about the White House's new Internet wiretap plans https://eff.org/r.4sNParker Higgins likes this.
Ryan Prior at 2009-04-20T03:34:34+00:00
I'm taking the word #libre to the mainstream. English-speakers will learn what it means. You can help by using it. !fsf !gnu !sfc !ubuntuDr. Steve Morreale, Haris bin Ali, Evan Prodromou, Odin Omdal Hørthe and 4 others likes this.
@ryanprior so you guys have weekly LUG meetings? what do you do at them?RT @ryanprior I'm taking the word #libre to the mainstream. English-speakers will learn what it means. You can help by using it.Lennert Holvoet at 2009-04-20T09:10:40+00:00
Dr. Matt Lee likes this.
@ryanprior doing it already for some time now but it is a good idea in my book