Stefano Zacchiroli

Stefano Zacchiroli at

biggest #owncloud installation is at an university in Germany, w/ 0.5 million users (WOW!) #lp2015

jpope, Stephen Sekula, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Francisco M García Claramonte and 4 others likes this.

Stephen Sekula, Stephen Michael Kellat, Free Software Foundation, Free Software Foundation and 1 others shared this.

I said the same thing WOW

lostson at 2015-03-22T16:07:38Z

Germany has in my opinion quietly been the software freedom loving underdog for some time and this goes to prove it.

Of course like many of us they are attracted to using the best technology at the time for the job.

jrobertson at 2015-03-22T17:53:09Z likes this.