Francisco M García Claramonte fgclaramonte@identi.ca
Debian Developer. Free Software developer. http://garciac.es XMPP: fgclaramonte@suchat.org
2017-04-22T08:26:44Z via AndStatus To: Public
The JavaScript phenomenon is a mass psychosis – Hacker Noon https://hackernoon.com/the-javascript-phenomenon-is-a-mass-psychosis-57adebb09359
2016-10-06T19:00:53Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
I have uploaded new #Lynis 2.3.4-1 to #Debian unstable. https://packages.debian.org/source/unstable/lynis #security2016-08-25T10:37:29Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Searching missing files in old backups with #obnam,
$ obnam mount --to /mnt/backup
Find them in one minute.
Obnam is a great backup Software!.2016-08-18T08:00:07Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
I have uploaded the new Debian package of Lynis-2.3.2-1, security auditing tool, to #Debian archive.
https://packages.debian.org/source/unstable/lynisder.hans, Manuel - Cuenta abandonada likes this.
All DebConf16 videos already available!
Debian Project shared by Francisco M García Claramonte at 2016-07-11T06:32:31Z via Impeller To: Public
All recorded DebConf16 sessions have already been reviewed and published by our video team, you can find them here: http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2016/debconf16/
Karl Fischer, Douglas Perkins, der.hans, MATTEO BECHINI and 10 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Iñaki Arenaza, Nathan Willis, Stephen Michael Kellat and 5 others shared this.
2016-06-21T10:51:18Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Programming a #Restful service, I get a "I'm a teapot" error (418).
I think it is the first time I see this error in many years of work with web services.
sazius likes this.
Practical Python porting for systems programmers
2016-02-27T13:51:57Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
What are the best plugins to increase productivity on Emacs - Xmodulo
2015-12-25T17:27:42Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Back to 28: Grub2 Authentication Bypass 0-Day
2015-12-18T07:46:35Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
R vs Python: head to head data analysis
2015-10-26T16:03:19Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
jrobb likes this.
Writing Beamer presentations in org-mode
2015-10-19T07:36:24Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Simple manual for write presentations with #emacs and #org-mode.
More about build presentations with org-mode in emacs:
JanKusanagi shared this.
2015-09-29T18:04:41Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Testing my old ACER Travelmate (year 2002) with #Debian 8.0
Installed #XFCE4, #emacs + #org-mode, #LibreOffice, #Iceweasel, #fbreader, #evince, #mutt, etc.
Now I am working with #Python programming in #Web2py Framework.
All working perfectly.Free Software Foundation shared by Francisco M García Claramonte at 2015-09-24T06:20:53Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Eben Moglen: “If Volkswagen knew that every customer who buys a vehicle would have a right to read the source code of all the software in the vehicle, they would never even consider the cheat, because the certainty of getting caught would terrify them.” https://u.fsf.org/1f9sazius at fmrl.me, Jason Self, Aaron Wolf, -- and 1 others likes this.
Francisco M García Claramonte, mray INACTIVE, --, AJ Jordan and 1 others shared this.
New Lynis-2.1.1-1 Debian package.
2015-08-20T15:20:51Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Lynis, the security auditing tool for Unix based systems.
I uploaded new Lynis-2.1.1-1 to Debian archive. Now it is available in Debian Testing.
This new version includes checks for Docker files, new reviewed tests for Debian systems, between others.
Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix. It scans the system configuration and creates an overview of system information
and security issues usable by professional auditors.
You can download from Debian repository: https://packages.debian.org/stretch/lynis
Or better:
# apt-get install lynis
2015-08-13T09:08:09Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
The most easy way to review a GIT repository is with a web view:
$ git instaweb --start --httpd apache2
5 Best Practices for Security in Open Source Development
2015-08-06T05:45:34Z via Impeller To: Public CC: Followers
Re: Gota fría
2015-08-01T06:21:53Z via Impeller To: Public, Shevek CC: Followers
Hace dos semanas estuve recorriendo pirineos en moto. A pesar del calor, llovió muchas tardes.
Incluso hubo algún aguacero importante. Pero sin duda valió la pena.
¡A disfrutarlo!The Open Container Project [LWN.net]
2015-06-22T19:14:58Z via Impeller CC: Followers, Public
Very interesting.