Martin Zobel-Helas zobel@identi.ca
Steinrode, Germany
Debian Developer, Debian System Administrator
A Bitter Ray of Sleet bitterrayofsleet@fmrl.me
Somewhere in northern England
Computer scientist, mathematician and free/libre software person.
Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya miguelangelordonez@identi.ca
Me gusta Gnu/Debian, la ecología, la filosofía y la economía a escala humana. Fan del Software libre y del conocimiento en abierto. GNU social quitter.se/finonils diaspora* miguemoya@diasp.eu
Laura Arjona Reina larjona@identi.ca
Madrid, Spain
Trying to live according to the Golden Rule. Studying, using and promoting Libre Software (Software that respects your freedom) https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona
Stefano Costa steko@identi.ca
Archaeologist: pottery, quantitative methods, GIS, free libre open source, open data.
Wildplakatierer wildplakatierer@identi.ca
Stuttgart, Germany
Einmillionster Besucher OBI-Markt Sindelfingen, goldene C&A-Kundenkarte
Gergely Nagy algernon@identi.ca
Budapest, Hungary
A tiny mouse, a hacker. Not active here anymore, tooting at https://trunk.mad-scientist.club/@algernon instead.
Francesco Ciattaglia ataualpa@identi.ca
Jesi, Italy
Debianer, Mutter, author of 'Il Nirvana con Mutt' and 'Ataualpa's Fortunes'. Dmoz editor for Mutt.
Francisco M García Claramonte fgclaramonte@identi.ca
Debian Developer. Free Software developer. http://garciac.es XMPP: fgclaramonte@suchat.org
prasad rao prasadrao@identi.ca