Rousinopoulos Athanasios-Ilias zoumpis@identi.ca
Madrid, Spain
openSUSE Ambassador openSUSE Medical Project Leader http://zoumpis.wordpress.com/cv/
New blog post: Participating in the FLOSS Survey 2013, and collateral benefits
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-11-30T22:51:16Z
New blog post:Participating in the FLOSS Survey 2013, and collateral benefits
BTW, we have extended the survey until Dec 6th midnight GMT. We are near 1000 complete answers, and I hope we can get much more!
Rousinopoulos Athanasios-Ilias likes this.
FSFE Fellow
Laura Arjona Reina at 2013-12-02T19:40:22Z
I just became #FSFE fellow http://fsfe.org #freesoftware #softwarelibre #community
Masters on Free Software URJC at 2011-08-08T13:44:47+00:00
Just one month to start the next edition of the Masters on Free Software. Schedule and venue already published: http://bit.ly/mWvnwvRousinopoulos Athanasios-Ilias likes this.