Fernando dos Santos ferox@identi.ca

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Hacker. Open Source Specialist. Fedora Ambassador.


  • Carolina Botero carobotero@identi.ca

    Carolina is a Colombian lawyer working on law and technology, especially IP issues regarding open and free movements.

  • Tiago Bortoletto Vaz tiagovaz@identi.ca

    Montreal, Canada


  • Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca

    San Francisco, United States

    Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.

  • David E. Narváez dmaggot@identi.ca

    Panama, Panama

    Advocate of Mathematics, Science, Computer Sciences and Free Software. Always interested in good music and research.

  • Nelson Pretto nelsonpretto@identi.ca

    Salvador, Brazil

    Professor Titular (e ativista) da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal da Bahia

  • Luis A. Guzman ark74@identi.ca

    Poza Rica

    Activista de SL, Filósofo Amateur, Ingeniero Sofista, Soñador Empedernido, Idealista Dinámico y Orgulloso usuario de Software Libre. Be #Useful #Kind #Grateful http://ark.switnet.org

  • Hugo Roy hugoroy@identi.ca

    Paris, France

    Free Software Foundation Europe (follow @fsfe | suivre @fsfefrance) / Terms of Service; Didn't Read co-founder. / Homepage: http://hugoroy.eu

  • Fede Heinz fheinz@identi.ca

    Alta Córdoba, Argentina

    Programador, activista de software libre, amateur de amplio espectro, anti-héroe vocacional.

  • Martín Olivera martinolivera@identi.ca

    La Plata, Argentina

    Responsable de Tecnología en la Defensoría del Público + Hacktivista de Software Libre !solar

  • kxra@identi.ca

  • Oscar zambrano comanche@identi.ca

    Sesteadero, Venezuela

    Fiel al movimiento de GNU, luchador de la libertad en su máxima expresión.

  • MCTI mcti@identi.ca

    Sesteadero, Venezuela

    Ministerio del Poder Popular para Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

  • Luis A. Morán Morales lamm@identi.ca

    Puerto Rico

    Are the Terminators here yet?

  • Matias Fonzo selkfoster@identi.ca

    Santiago del Estero, Argentina

    I'm the founder of Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre

  • Richard Dominguez r1chardq@identi.ca

    Douala, Guinea

    Si es posible esta echo, si es imposible se hará

  • Harald Welte laf0rge@identi.ca

    Berlin, Germany

    Linux Kernel Developer, Hacker, Freedom Fighter. Nerd. Kinky.

  • Harish Pillay harishpillay@identi.ca

    human, hacker, engineer, hashman, son, husband, father living 1 deg North, 103 deg East

  • Beatriz Busaniche beabusaniche@identi.ca

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Activista de Software y Cultura Libre. Wikipedista. Docente de UBA en #fsoc.

  • The Document Foundation tdforg@identi.ca

    Berlin, Germany

    It is an independent self-governing meritocratic entity in the form of a charitable Foundation under German law.

  • Mauro Rosero P. mrosero@identi.ca

    Douala, Guinea

    Hacktivista y Consultor de Tecnologías de Software Libre y Open Source.