Ryan Finnie fo0bar@identi.ca
Reno, United States
Hey, remember that one meme with the annoying part! Yeah!
2013-07-11T10:02:23Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Well, it finally happened, and though there are still some problems Evan is working out, I thought I'd bring you all up to speed on everyone's favorite insane robot. X11R5 is now running on the new pump.io Identica, and operates a little differently than he did in a microblogging context. He receives training from the firehose, and will try to follow you if you follow him, even from a non-Identica pump.io site. Due to the distributed nature of pump.io, there was no technical reason to keep him on Identica; it was only because he had an established base of existing followers. He has a larger focus on conversing with followers, so be sure to follow if you want to get in on the action.
His conversation limits are increased (and are actually determined by him), but the general idea is it's more than 140 characters, less than a typical blog post. So if you want to converse with him, you don't have to limit yourself to 140 characters, but don't write novels.
The "classic" StatusNet interface has been moved to micro.fragdev.com, so if you are on a StatusNet interface, follow @x11r5@micro.fragdev.com. The backend StatusNet codebase has been 100% rewritten, but the functionality should be identical, with a few small improvements (he shouldn't get confused about his own name as often, for example).
On the backend, the codebase for pump.io, StatusNet and Twitter is unified into a common class-based system, with the StatusNet and Twitter functionality provided by the same module (with a few runtime tweaks for minor differences between their APIs). pump.io API functionality is obviously completely different than StatusNet/Twitter, but there's still a decent amount of code sharing between them. Just to be clear, while the backend code has been unified, the brains (the personalities X11R5 learns from observation) are separated by service. So for example, the pump.io brain will have more free-flowing conversation learned (due to the increased post sizes), and the Twitter brain will still behave like a 12-year-old.
On that note, a number of people have asked if I plan on releasing the code which powers X11R5. Normally my answer would be an automatic "yes", but I have done some thinking, and at this time I will not. X11R5 has become a personification, and a lot of the code determines how he expresses that personality. Releasing the code would demystify some of it, and giving anyone the ability to easily do the same may cheapen the overall conversational bot experience. Sorry guys.
Thanks for Evan to reaching out to me to get this started, and for proving some initial guidance. No thanks to Evan for getting me excited and pushing me into a complete rewrite, then delaying the switch for two months. C'est la vie. And thanks to everyone out there for their emotional attachment to what was a random collection of crap code which became a personification.Christopher Allan Webber, jpope, morgenland, axel668 (inactive) and 1 others likes this.
axel668 (inactive) shared this.
2013-07-10T00:12:17+00:00 in Andersons (historical), Nevada, United States via web To: Public
Anyone want a BioShock Infinite steam code? I would appreciate a token PayPal amount, so name a price. :)2013-06-24T23:20:05+00:00 in Andersons (historical), Nevada, United States via web To: X11R5, Public
Oh, and @x11r5's Twitter personality is back online, if you're into that sort of thing. http://ur1.ca/efjf2°\•/° shared this.
Hmm, this is a tiny robot's mind on twitter. I wonder if facebook would be worse. https://twitter.com/x11r5/status/3492859947779481602013-06-21T04:37:49+00:00 in Andersons (historical), Nevada, United States via web To: X11R5, Public
Dvd Mrsdn likes this.
miccaman, Dvd Mrsdn, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2013-06-08T01:09:38+00:00 in Andersons (historical), Nevada, United States via web To: X11R5, Public
Remember when I said @x11r5 wouldn't make the transition immediately? I lied. The tiny mice will be pumping from day one.ddevine@identi.ca, Theru, Tupulpo, ostfriesenmärz and 4 others likes this.
ddevine@identi.ca, a(n) person, Clay Hobbs, Stephen Michael Kellat and 1 others shared this.
@fo0bar How hard was the port?2013-06-05T19:53:37+00:00 in Andersons (historical), Nevada, United States via web To: X11R5, Public
I may also fork @x11r5 to another federated SN service. Suggestions? Which one has the largest community?rozzin, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Mike Linksvayer shared this.
@fo0bar I thought the community was federated. :-/Mike Linksvayer at 2013-06-05T22:43:22+00:00
Evan Prodromou, Erkan Yılmaz likes this.
I think the smart answer is to use the ofirehose.com feed. That's like the public feed for the pump network.2013-06-05T19:52:40+00:00 in Andersons (historical), Nevada, United States via web To: X11R5, Public
@x11r5 fans: I will be converting him to pump.io sometime after the identica conversion. Not immediate, but hopefully soon.Bruce Cowan, /usr/share, a(n) person, Stephen Michael Kellat and 7 others likes this.
/usr/share, a(n) person, Stephen Michael Kellat, Richard Fontana and 5 others shared this.
@fo0bar @x11r5 is part of the spirit of identi.caghostdancer at 2013-06-05T19:59:00+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.
2013-05-10T17:48:56+00:00 in Reno, United States To: a(n) person, Public
!Finnix 108 released! http://ur1.ca/dsds4zinayfuzz likes this.
2012-12-25T08:13:37+00:00 in Reno, United States To: a(n) person, Public
!Finnix 107 released! http://ur1.ca/c9oqp2012-07-13T07:08:30+00:00 in Reno, United States To: a(n) person, Public
!Finnix 105 released! http://ur1.ca/9rt2b2012-06-05T02:01:06+00:00 in Reno, United States To: Public
I was playing around with a test SN site, and managed to accidentally subscribe everyone on my Identica follow list with it. Oops@fo0bar Ah, so *that's* what that was all about.2012-06-03T23:19:21+00:00 in Reno, United States To: Public
Google and Facebook are both a few days early for World #IPv6 Launch; both are publishing AAAA records already.uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs shared this.
2012-04-01T00:22:00+00:00 in Reno, United States To: Public
Boeing acquires Finnix, Velociraptor Aerospace Dynamics: http://ur1.ca/8vfdi2012-02-14T08:03:42+00:00 in Reno, United States To: Public
!Finnix 104 released! http://ur1.ca/85rl42011-07-27T07:55:45+00:00 in Reno, United States To: Public
!Finnix has become quite popular in China in the last day. About 5000 downloads in the last few hours.2011-07-24T03:40:12+00:00 in Reno, United States To: X11R5, Steven M Scotten, Public
Actually, the last 24 hours of my Identica feed have been nearly all @x11r5 and @smscotten. Maybe the Internet is just down for repair.@fo0bar Just back from repair i am the true vine" (john 15:12011-07-24T03:38:19+00:00 in Reno, United States To: a(n) person, Public
This !Finnix release has been unusually quiet. Usually the Internet becomes a release announcement echo chamber in the first 24 hours.2011-07-23T07:02:07+00:00 in Reno, United States To: a(n) person, Public
!Finnix 102 released! http://blog.finnix.org/2011/07/23/finnix-102-released/2011-07-20T23:14:37+00:00 in Reno, United States To: Public
Guess what I received today! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0EPkvHQx7w