2012-07-26T03:51:50+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: a(n) person, Public
2011-07-26T03:40:12+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Public
One glass of water deserves another.2011-07-19T23:36:29+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Matt Lee, Ryan Prior, Public
2011-07-19T17:17:34+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Public
#Spotify on Ubuntu is awesome! They even integrate with the sound menu. As much as I dislike the subscription model, this is revolutionary.2011-07-07T17:52:44+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Public
Hot day, cold thai tea. #fuckyeah2011-05-11T03:58:14+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: a(n) person, a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
@ryanprior: your wording seems to imply that before Microsoft's acquisition of Skype, said application wasn't a problem for our freedom.2011-04-22T05:42:30+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Public
I have 1337 unread e-mails in my inbox. #likeaboss2011-04-21T00:51:43+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Ted Smith, Public
@ryanprior Anti-copyright is a common anti-state !capitalist stance. It is crap. And it seems to be Mr. Fitch's position. So yes, for now.2011-04-16T00:30:18+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Richard Fontana, Public
2011-04-16T00:26:38+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
Wow, #ElementaryOS looks awesome! Congratulations on a job well done. I hope that your ideas and designs are adopted widely. !gnu !ubuntu2011-04-16T02:15:11+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Richard Fontana, Public
@fontana: I should say, too, that I'm not against using #CC0 for non-software, non-opinion works. I use it for my own.2011-04-16T01:51:29+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Richard Fontana, Public
@fontana: I don't buy it. Unmet needs or threats to FOSS require new licenses; but what need does CC0 serve, what's the threat it overcomes?2011-04-16T01:31:42+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Richard Fontana, Public
@fontana: IANAL etc, but IMO if you use a software license that's not common, that's proliferation. Also, what does CC0 do that MIT doesn't?2011-04-14T01:49:08+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: a(n) person, a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
Osama Khalid, Johan Vervloet, Popa Adrian Marius, Luke Shumaker likes this.
KanGouLya, KanGouLya, Valentin Villenave, Valentin Villenave and 4 others shared this.
2011-04-12T17:53:33+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: Public
The #HumbleBundle GNU/Linux average payment just keeps rising - $12.80 as we speak, compared to $5.29 average. Just how high can we get it?2011-04-12T17:26:16+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: a(n) person, Public
I just watched as the third #HumbleBundle blew past 10,000 sales. Pay what you want for three awesome cross-platform indie games. !ubuntu2011-04-09T06:45:51+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: a(n) person, Public
#Unity is pretty impressive, but the rough edges I've seen make me wonder whether 6 more months might be best. I'll be filing bugs. !Ubuntumichelenlared shared this.
2011-02-10T00:49:55+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: a(n) person, Public
2011-01-27T02:55:48+00:00 in Madison, Wisconsin, United States To: a(n) person, Public
From the latest !GNU status bulletin: "the GNU Hurd is nowadays pursued mostly because of its " #lol http://bit.ly/feJai1Dylan Thiedeke, Dylan Thiedeke shared this.