Adonay Felipe Nogueira adfeno@identi.ca
Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Richard Fontana fontana@identi.ca
Native New Yorker/Brooklynite, now in exile
IAAL. Views in dents solely mine & not those of any past|present employer|client. Fear not the long con!
John Sullivan johnsu01@identi.ca
Impending Doom, United States
This account is deprecated. Please find me at https://microca.st/johns or https://status.fsf.org/johns. This account will soon be deleted.
Trisquel GNU/Linux trisquel@identi.ca
Trisquel is a fully free operating system based in GNU/Linux, for home users, small enterprises and educational centers.
Aurélio A. Heckert aurium@identi.ca
Programmer, Digital Artist, Free Software Developer, Vegetarian, and @COLIVRE member
Matthias Kirschner kirschner@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
FSFE's President. Working for Free Software, so everyone can self-determined use, study, share, and improve software. Account inactive: Please visit my mastodon account for microblogging or my private website for other contact details.
Cárlisson Galdino carlisson@identi.ca
Arapiraca, Brazil
Membro da Academia Arapiraquense de letras. Escritor, programador e outras coisas mais. Autor de cordéis sobre tecnologia. Analista da UFAL.
Deb Nicholson eximious@identi.ca
Boston, United States
I like noisy music, tasty food and free software.
Sergio Durigan Junior sergiodj@identi.ca
Campinas, Brazil
Hacking GDB, listening and playing music, trying to find a good reason to post things here!
Antonio Terceiro aterceiro@identi.ca
Salvador, Brazil
free software developer at COLIVRE; Software Engineering PhD researcher at UFBA
Software Freedom Law Center sflc@identi.ca
New York, United States
We provide legal representation and other law-related services to protect and advance Free, Libre, and Open Source Software.
Valessio Brito valessiobrito@identi.ca
Jacobina, Brazil
Jacobinense, hacker, digital artist and activist for free knowledge. Graduated in Social Communication and Postgraduate in Free Software Development.
Larissa Garcia Oliva larilari@identi.ca
donald robertson III donaldrobertsoniii@identi.ca
I'm currently the copyright administrator for the Free Software Foundation. I'm also an attorney.
Pensador Louco pensadorlouco@identi.ca
One of the weirdest guys you might find, an anarchist and free software enthusiast. Oh, and a nightmare cartoonist, too.
Wilkens Lenon Silva de Andrade wlenon@identi.ca
Campina Grande, Brazil
Sou filho. Sou pai. Sou aprendente da vida. Eu sou da liberdade - usuário e militante do Software Livre!
Defective by Design dbd@microca.st
Supporters of the Defective By Design campaign against Digital Restrictions Management (DRM). https://defectivebydesign.org