Alex Muntada
chromatic at 2011-09-16T06:47:38+00:00
"Under the skin of many a fierce critic beats the heart of someone who’s extremely passionate..." Muntada likes this.
Sidney Charles Witherjay at 2011-09-16T17:00:33+00:00
Maj, Stephen Michael Kellat, Alex Muntada likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Stephen Michael Kellat, Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
chromatic at 2011-08-27T06:43:48+00:00
"Perlbrew solves this issue." !perlAlex Muntada likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
chromatic at 2011-05-28T01:08:16+00:00
Checklists are basic tools of the quality and productivity revolution in every field combining high risk and complexity: Muntada likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
Greg Grossmeier at 2011-02-25T15:18:21+00:00
I wrote up my thoughts about the Canonical/Banshee kerfuffle. #opengovernanceBruce Cowan, Alex Muntada, Dan Scott, Craig Maloney likes this.
chromatic at 2011-02-17T20:24:49+00:00
Michael Schubart made a Mobi version of the Modern !perl book: Muntada likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
Rafael Carreras at 2010-11-20T06:52:29+00:00
RT @RealNichelle Someone sent this to my Asst. Neither one of us had ever seen this Carol Burnett parody. funny! Muntada likes this.
chromatic at 2010-11-12T01:21:24+00:00
Modern !perl is now available. Download your redistributable, DRM-free PDF now: Muntada likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
chromatic at 2010-11-02T23:41:22+00:00
I hold in my hand (making it difficult to type) the first copy of the Modern Perl book.Alex Muntada likes this.
Rafael Carreras at 2010-10-24T19:50:18+00:00
Pot ser que la major part dels meus amics es presentin a les eleccions? Doncs es veu que sí !pcatAlex Muntada likes this.
PIRATA.CAT at 2010-10-05T06:23:26+00:00
Ja som oficials! Muntada likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
PIRATA.CAT at 2010-10-04T08:21:12+00:00
Per què lluitem? Muntada likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
Rafael Carreras at 2010-10-02T10:49:59+00:00
@alexm Perl Mongers desenvolupen el nou programa SETI en clusters min. 20Alex Muntada likes this.
@rcarreras ho has sentit malament, diuen code monkeys no pas perl mongers :DGiorgio Grappa at 2010-10-01T13:28:05+00:00
!pcat autors (no especialment famosos) guanyen més publicant ebooks que publicant llibres en paper: Muntada likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
Rafael Carreras at 2010-09-26T17:51:16+00:00
I no em queda malament el tron d'emperador klingon Muntada likes this.
Toni Hermoso Pulido at 2010-09-02T19:27:45+00:00
Un viatge solitari i sense gaire gent al tren et fa més persona. No només pots llegir-hi llibres, sinó també els propis pensaments…Alex Muntada likes this.
PIRATA.CAT at 2010-08-26T07:16:18+00:00
Desembarcament Pirata a Catalunya!!! Muntada likes this.
David Gómez, David Gómez, Gatitac, Alex Muntada and 1 others shared this.
chromatic at 2010-07-29T15:39:39+00:00
Welcome Rakudo Star! !perl Muntada likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada, Bradley M. Kuhn, Bradley M. Kuhn shared this.
I hope people will give !Perl 6 a try and download #Rakudo Star to take a look. I hope for steady growing interest in Perl 6. Cool language.Bradley M. Kuhn at 2010-07-29T15:49:14+00:00
Popa Adrian Marius likes this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation at 2010-07-27T18:31:50+00:00
Yet another victory for fair use: Court rules breaking DRM for a "fair use" is legal via @ArsTechnicaOsama Khalid, Nandan, Alex Muntada, Thomas Gideon likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada shared this.
@eff Yet another victory for fair use: Court rules via @ArsTechnica mais en France pas de fair useJosep Sanchez at 2010-07-21T03:06:07+00:00
!ubuntaires , com pot ser que publicitin més aquestes coses?? Muntada likes this.
@papapeps doncs encara ho ha arreglat, abans trobar aquesta informació era caòtic a la web d'ubuntu