Arnold Fernández R. arnoldfiarn@identi.ca
Provincia Constitucional del Callao.
Profesional del área de Ingeniería Ambiental y de Recursos Naturales.
Andres Ricardo Castelblanco Mendoza kronos@identi.ca
Bogotá, Colombia
Ing. de Sistemas, miembro del concejo de la Free Software Foundation America Latina.
Esta Cuenta Se Puede Dejar De Seguir danieldianes@identi.ca
KDE Community kdecommunity@identi.ca
Team creating free and open source software, offering an advanced graphical desktop and a wide variety of applications for GNU/Linux.
Sebas Pedersen sebasped@fmrl.me
Santos Lugares, 3 de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Estudiante de Matemática en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Usuario y amante del software libre. I'm a Math student at University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm free software user and fan. e-mail: sebasped (at) openmailbox (dot) org sebasped (at) member (dot) fsf (dot) org Jabber/XMPP: sebasped (at) openmailbox (dot) org sebasped (at) parabola (dot) nu sebasped (at) member (dot) fsf (dot) org sebasped (at) suchat (dot) org sebasped (at) jabb3r (dot) org Diaspora*: https://joindiaspora.com/u/sebasped pump.io: https://fmrl.me/sebasped StatusNet / GNU social: https://status.vinilox.eu/sebasped FSF member: sebasped #12562 Friendica: https://myfriendica.net/profile/sebasped GNU MediaGoblin: http://gobblin.se/u/sebasped/ Freenode: sebasped
Free Culture Foundation freeculture@identi.ca
The mission of the Free Culture Foundation is to bring an end to the subjugation enabled by private ownership over media, ideas, and technology.
Free Software Foundation fsf@identi.ca
Boston, United States
To subscribe, visit status.fsf.org/fsf, hit subscribe, then enter username@identi.ca. Our posts will appear in your identi.ca feed as usual.
Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.
Luis A. Guzman ark74@identi.ca
Poza Rica
Activista de SL, Filósofo Amateur, Ingeniero Sofista, Soñador Empedernido, Idealista Dinámico y Orgulloso usuario de Software Libre. Be #Useful #Kind #Grateful http://ark.switnet.org
Defective by Design dbd@microca.st
Supporters of the Defective By Design campaign against Digital Restrictions Management (DRM). https://defectivebydesign.org
Alexandre Oliva lxoliva@identi.ca
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Free Software Evangelist. GNU speaker and advisory committee member. Recipient of FSF's 2016 Award for the Advancement of Free Software. FSF Latin America board member. LibrePlanet São Paulo activist. 0G foreseer. Maintainer of GNU Linux-libre, and co-maintainer of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU binutils and GNU libc. Libre-SOC contributor. GNU tools engineer at AdaCore.
Omar Vega Ramos ovruni@identi.ca
Chacarrilla, Peru
Parabola GNU/Linux-libre hacker. Openstreetmap mapper. Student at the National University of Engineering (Perú)
Adonay Felipe Nogueira adfeno@identi.ca
Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Bitácora Digital de Vídeos de Libre Distribución bdvld@hotpump.net
Vídeos con licencia tipo copyleft. ¡Suscribete a nuestro canal web! http://is.gd/i4fo3w
CUENTA NO ACTIVA trinux@identi.ca
Free Software Foundation fsf@microca.st
Boston, MA
Fighting for essential freedoms for computer users since 1985. https://www.fsf.org
Cuenta cancelada mjfriaza@identi.ca
Carlos Augusto ARES arescorpio@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
Microelectronics,Robotics,Free Software and Open Source OS