Philip Newborough corenominal@identi.ca
Lincoln, United Kingdom
The bodger of CrunchBang Linux. Interested in all things to do with code, design, GNU/Linux, faeries, pixies & robots.
nybill at 2011-11-14T21:58:56+00:00
@corenominal Short and to the point. :D And thanks for being, not dead.Philip Newborough likes this.
Alistair McKinlay at 2011-08-22T18:24:46+00:00
People are such weird animals...Philip Newborough likes this.
@yamanickill ... the weirdest of all animals, IMHO!Philip Newborough at 2011-08-22T18:26:47+00:00
Theru likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌ at 2011-08-09T05:53:42+00:00
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, science can help us post-hoc induce a probability that some sound was made.Philip Newborough likes this.
♺ @clacke: If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, science can help us post-hoc induce a probability that some sound was made.Muel Kiel at 2011-05-10T01:18:27+00:00
New #! Wares: Decrustification Shirt http://post.ly/21218Philip Newborough likes this.
Muel Kiel at 2011-05-10T01:16:27+00:00
New #! Wares: Mug http://post.ly/211zpPhilip Newborough likes this.
vinzv (inactive) at 2011-04-30T16:01:15+00:00
Interessant, so zum rumklicken: History of All Logos http://l.vinzv.de/1fPhilip Newborough likes this.
Steven! Ragnarök at 2011-04-26T17:48:26+00:00
Just celebrated #CorenominalDay by donating $15 to #! Linux, not a user but aligned with its goals, style, and attitude. Cheers @corenominalPhilip Newborough likes this.
@nuclearsandwich, thanks buddy, you are a star! :)Michele Azzolari at 2011-04-26T15:42:59+00:00
CIAO! new avatar :)Philip Newborough, Alistair McKinlay likes this.
Becky Newborough at 2011-04-22T18:01:48+00:00
@corenominal I don't think Daisy is talking to me now :/ http://ur1.ca/3y0d8Philip Newborough likes this.
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ at 2011-04-16T19:17:59+00:00
@fabsh @corenominal Ah ha. From terminal run 'gnome-session-properties' to get the GUI for the startup programs... ;)Philip Newborough likes this.
@jpope, nice one, thanks. :) Interestingly, I had to run 'nm-connection-editor' from the terminal to configure my USB modem too.Peter Cannon at 2011-04-16T03:40:27+00:00
/me throws a #hugs boomerang at @corenominalPhilip Newborough likes this.
/me watches as the #hugs boomerang returns to @dickturpin with added kisses! :)Windigo at 2011-04-01T21:04:30+00:00
15 minutes left of work, and all I can think about is making dynamite traps in #minecraft.Philip Newborough likes this.
Peter Cannon at 2011-03-08T09:49:49+00:00
"What we set in place today will benefit us tomorrow" - PeterCPhilip Newborough likes this.
Debian Project at 2011-03-03T16:35:20+00:00
Bruce Cowan, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, lostson, Michael V. Antosha and 2 others likes this.
Mathieu Amirault, Mathieu Amirault, KanGouLya, KanGouLya and 8 others shared this.
Les Pounder at 2011-05-01T16:06:02+00:00
Philip Newborough likes this.
Nice one! ♺ @biglesp: Video is up http://www.archive.org/details/UCubed_Dan_Lynch_Talk Enjoy #ucubed !loBecky Newborough at 2011-02-19T19:52:38+00:00
Philip Newborough likes this.
Becky Newborough at 2011-02-18T18:16:55+00:00
I absolutely LOVE my new car!Philip Newborough likes this.
Eric Mesa at 2011-02-10T14:24:02+00:00
This review of !crunchbang http://ur1.ca/33zk1 may make me return. Now that it's based on Debian perhaps won't go years between improvementsPhilip Newborough likes this.