EVAnaRkISTO at 2018-05-12T07:25:41Z
Otro ejemplo del machismo y la violencia en los ejércitos:
El Ejército de Tierra quiere prescindir de una soldado que denunció abuso sexual en su cuartel
hhhorrible likes this.
Stephen Sekula at 2017-06-04T16:39:57Z
From Twitter:RT @symmetrymag: What did @LIGO's latest detection of gravitational waves tell us about the hypothetical graviton? http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/at-ligo-threes-a-trend
hhhorrible likes this.
Stephen Sekula at 2017-06-04T15:41:26Z
From Twitter:RT @LIGO: Check out this podcast about #GW170104 featuring @NUCIERA's Vicky Kalogera & Shane Larson (@sciencejedi) https://soundcloud.com/northwesternu/gravitational-waves-drive-new-field-of-astronomy
hhhorrible likes this.
- From Twitter:
RT @SpaceX: Falcon 9 first stage has landed at LZ-1. https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/871113410192171008/photo/1
clacke@libranet.de ❌, hhhorrible likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ shared this.
Avadiax at 2017-06-04T23:51:46Z
Bookmarking this as many smart folks have answers for programming questions that we ask everyday. https://github.com/karan/Projectshhhorrible likes this.
lostson at 2015-09-30T20:34:21Z
Yeah I think a recording wold be good, would like to watch that myself, or you could come up this way and give the talk at one of our lug meetings.
Christopher Allan Webber, hhhorrible likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2015-09-30T19:58:35Z
@Efraim Flashner No, but a lot of people seem to be requesting that. Maybe I should make a recording of it, or give the talk someplace that will be recording.
X11R5, Charles Stanhope, hhhorrible likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2015-09-30T19:46:48Z
I have never been more excited to give a talk than I am about the Guix talk I'm giving at @ChicagoLUG tonight!
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Srikar, Nathan Smith, hhhorrible and 2 others likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.
@Efraim Flashner No, but a lot of people seem to be requesting that. Maybe I should make a recording of it, or give the talk someplace that will be recording.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2015-09-30T19:58:35Z
X11R5, Charles Stanhope, hhhorrible likes this.
Yeah I think a recording wold be good, would like to watch that myself, or you could come up this way and give the talk at one of our lug meetings.
lostson at 2015-09-30T20:34:21Z
Christopher Allan Webber, hhhorrible likes this.
HPR episode!Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2015-10-01T08:53:29Z
Christopher Allan Webber, Charles Stanhope likes this.
Mike Linksvayer at 2015-05-14T02:31:02Z
LWN.net is testing a new design, refreshingly similar to old, but responsive (enable in account prefs)
Subscribe if you can. Great reporting. Least bad paywall on the web, and articles are both unpaywalled and BY-SA after a week.Bernhard E. Reiter, Aaron Wolf, Elena ``of Valhalla'', Lars Wirzenius and 3 others likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'', Lars Wirzenius, Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
Colección Ulrich #Beck (1):
Colección Ulrich #Beck (1):
Ulrich Beck (Słupsk, Pomerania, 15 de mayo de 1944 - 1 de enero de 2015) fue un sociólogo alemán, profesor de la Universidad de #Múnich y de la #London School of #Economics. Beck estudió aspectos como la modernización, los problemas ecológicos, la individualización y la #globalización. En los últimos tiempos se embarcó también en la exploración de las condiciones cambiantes del trabajo en un mundo de creciente #capitalismo global, de pérdida de poder de los sindicatos y de flexibilización de los procesos del trabajo, una teoría enraizada en el concepto de #cosmopolitismo. Beck también contribuyó con nuevos conceptos a la #Sociología alemana, incluyendo la llamada "sociedad del riesgo" y la "segunda modernidad". (Fuente: Wikipedia)
Peso: 114.82 MB Archivos: 10
Cómo descargar: http://bancodelecturas.net/new/index.php/topic,4.0.htmlhhhorrible likes this.
Colección Anthony Giddens (1)
Colección Anthony Giddens (1):
Anthony Giddens (Londres, Inglaterra, 18 de enero de 1938) es un sociólogo inglés, reconocido por su teoría de la estructuración y su mirada holística de las sociedades modernas. Procedente de una familia de clase media. Hijo de un empleado de cuello blanco del London Passenger Transport Board (empresa encargada del transporte en todo Londres entre 1933 y 1948). Fue el primer miembro de su familia que acudió a la universidad y su primer título académico lo obtuvo de la Universidad de Hull en 1959. Más tarde alcanzaría una Maestría en la London School of Economics and Political Science, y, finalmente, un doctorado por la Universidad de Cambridge en 1974.
Peso: 115.37 MB Archivos: 13
Cómo descargar: http://bancodelecturas.net/new/index.php/topic,4.0.htmlhhhorrible likes this.
hhhorrible shared this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2015-05-13T03:40:22Z
Radio Open Source seems to be licensed under BY-NC #notopennotlibre
hhhorrible likes this.
Has been from its beginning, many years. I may not have this right (before my time, and I don't recall how I came to this belief) but I very vaguely think that its host, who narrated the first Creative Commons video ("Get Creative") is the reason that video is NC. I just checked to make sure I didn't forget even that fact (I didn't) and found on https://creativecommons.org/videos/get-creative the following "
Get Creative by Creative Commons is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY) license. Please link to this page when providing attribution." Is it dual licensed now? Heh.
They should floss it.HDD -> SDD conversion in a desktop
Stephen Sekula at 2015-05-13T13:47:04Z
Maxtor HDD in my desktop machine began failing last week. Ordered a 120GB SSD to replace it - since I have network storage for home directories, I just need a fast, small boot drive for the desktops in the house. Getting it setup this morning, but it's so nice to have a fast, quiet drive in this thing.
hhhorrible, jrobertson, Efraim Flashner, Douglas Perkins likes this.
My Seagate 1TB HDD is as good as silent and it's running 24x7 storing images every second from an FTP server. It's an external hard drive which is handy for using it with the Raspberry Pi. That being said it does require it to be plugged in at the power mains although the same would be true if it was an external SSD.hhhorrible likes this.
MediaGoblin 0.8.0 pre-release freeze!
GNU MediaGoblin at 2015-02-23T21:24:39Z
That's right! MediaGoblin's master is frozen for the upcoming 0.8.0 release!
Want to help? There's plenty of ways to lend a hand!
hhhorrible, a(n) person, jpope, olm-e and 10 others likes this.
Douglas Perkins, Krugor, Stephen Sekula, Stephen Sekula and 5 others shared this.