Ward Vandewege cure@identi.ca
Boston, United States
I work at Curoverse, Inc developing a new, free software platform for the dawning era of biomedical big data called Arvados (https://arvados.org). Previously, I was CTO at the Free Software Foundation.
Richard Fontana fontana@identi.ca
Native New Yorker/Brooklynite, now in exile
IAAL. Views in dents solely mine & not those of any past|present employer|client. Fear not the long con!
Uwe Hermann uwehermann@identi.ca
Debian, coreboot, flashrom, sigrok, and libopencm3 developer. Free Software and Open Hardware enthusiast and contributor.
Evan Prodromou evan@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Montreal hacker and entrepreneur. Founder of identi.ca, lead developer of pump.io, CEO of E14N Inc.
Joshua Gay joshuagay@identi.ca
New Haven, CT. USA.
I'm interested in free software & free textbooks. I live in New Haven, CT USA.
Stefano Maffulli smaffulli@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Passionate about Free Software since I graduated in architecture. OpenStack community manager, always advocating freedom.
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
John Sullivan johnsu01@identi.ca
Impending Doom, United States
This account is deprecated. Please find me at https://microca.st/johns or https://status.fsf.org/johns. This account will soon be deleted.