Christopher Allan Webber

Christopher Allan Webber at

I do kind of miss not panicking about the political state of the world every 5 minutes so I could get work done. Maybe time to go offline for a bit.

Elena ``of Valhalla'', Charles Stanhope likes this.

The world is going to Hell in a handbasket. Ignore it. Those flames you see springing up around you are just to keep you warm. Think warm thoughts.

James Dearing 🐲 at 2017-02-01T04:54:08Z I found it helpful after taking a walk and seeing streetlights still worked, people were peaceful walking along the street, the store shelves were still full. I found it reassuring.

Diane Trout at 2017-02-01T05:12:44Z

>> Christopher Allan Webber:

“[...] Maybe time to go offline for a bit. [...]”


Worrying about every world problem won't let us function. That's as true now as it was 5, 10, 20, 30 years ago.

JanKusanagi at 2017-02-01T09:56:25Z How do I handle being part of the circus? I'm trying to learn LaTeX2e at the moment.  I play with Shortwave Listening and being a ham radio operator.  I keep looking for escape hatches to being a fed.  I've got my classes at Lakeland to take.  My cat receives love and attention.  Things will get better for me if I contribute to making it better for me.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2017-02-01T15:48:55Z