ddevine@identi.ca ddevine@identi.ca
Brisbane, Australia
Yet another GNU/Linux guy. Haiku OS fan, KDE user and accidential web developer.
Ryan Weal at 2014-04-09T17:24:02Z
I would say it is probably missing the fonts. I worked in print for awhile and we always had trouble unless everything was rendered as outlines -and PDFs rarely are (especially the form-filling variety). Chances are it is referencing an MS font... I installed the MS fonts recently and it made so many sites look terrible. Never realized how attached to DejaVu Sans I have become!
ddevine@identi.ca, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
lostson at 2013-12-07T20:56:36Z
So when Google Glass becomes popular I am going to change my name to Paparazzi Punisher because I will be punching people who take pictures of me without my expressed written permission.
ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
I am not sure how I will deal with them when I see them. I really hate the Glass. I may just ignore the person and not say anything and if they ask why I'm ignoring them I would tell them why. I would talk to them if they have a camera cover such as http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:182763 because that's a decent sign of respect.
What I don't know how to deal with yet is if the wearer joins an existing conversation. Maybe there is no pleasant way to deal with it.
There's a chance I may see one of these bloody things in a few weeks time. I guess my BAC will decide which path I take.lnxwalt@microca.st at 2013-12-05T02:32:58Z
It is designed and intended to promote unreasonable behavior. As one of the article's commenters pointed out, ISPs already charge end-users (their customers) for that bandwidth. To then charge another party for the same bandwidth (or even worse, try to hinder that third party's content from reaching their mutual customers in order to push the customers to buy the ISP's own media streaming services) is unreasonable from the start.
If we had a decent attorney general, a letter to the FCC reminding them that it is not their job to be any industry's lap dog would be forthcoming.ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
lostson at 2013-12-04T15:08:33Z
Well that is some good news
ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
Olivier Mehani at 2013-12-04T02:08:31Z
Every week, I receive more emails from online petitions. Probably because I'm a happy clicktivist. That's fine.
However, I'm always very annoyed by petitions to help a single person. I do recognise the situations of these people, as described in the appeal, is very sad, unjust, unfair, and should be addressed much better, and urgently. However, I don't sign these petitions, and don't share them. I also unsubscribe from these lists (that's OK, I'll get back on them next time I sign something anyway), with messages along the following. I thought it might be worth sharing.
“Fixing each problem instance separately is not the solution. We need policies and wider changes, not PR-worthy exceptions.
Making an appeal to the community for every single person who is unfairly treated will only dilute the efforts, and ultimately render them irrelevant. I'm already getting bored with these types of single-beneficiary appeals. Probably many others are, including the ultimate recipients of the petitions.
There really is a need for the equivalent of a class-action (class-petition?) covering a group of similar problems, rather than creating a new one for each individual.”Christopher M. Hobbs (inactive), ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2013-11-14T21:05:27Z
A social media manager is a person who pretends to be a company pretending to be a person.ddevine@identi.ca, Nick Daly, me, Blaise Alleyne and 19 others likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), a(n) person, Fanta and 3 others shared this.
and it's funny how many of them are internsRyan Weal likes this.
wanditoast, Mark Jaroski, Olivier Mehani, Douglas Perkins and 3 others likes this.
uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, rsd, lostson, lostson and 1 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesI'll likely not stop by the BAR after WORK tonight but, I will still take in some BEER none the less. ;)QPdfPresenterConsole
QPdfPresenterConsole is a PDF viewer geared towards presentations.
It provides a dual-screen view with a console for the presenter with previews, notes and time, amongst others. It even supports skipping LaTeX Beamer's overlays, to avoid these awkward times when you browse backwards in your animations looking for whatever slide the current question refers to.
Debian has a package named pdf-presenter-console which does the same thing, but I am not sure whether it is the same codebase.ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-11-11T02:41:34Z
What does it mean to be problematic?
Really good read that speaks very clearly about... well, unclear areas in media.Stefano Costa, Mike Linksvayer, ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
Stefano Costa, Olivier Mehani, Olivier Mehani shared this.
I didn't know problematic is used by some as a euphemism for wrong. Disturbing!Mike Linksvayer at 2013-11-11T07:53:51Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Bradley M. Kuhn at 2013-11-08T22:44:45Z
Ugh, did Obama really just say "I don't write codes". I saw the video/audio on the news, and he clearly wrote it as plural, but the news sites seem to be saying "code".
I can't believe his PR people put him on this messaging and weren't careful with that. Or is it on purpose -- did they tell him to say 'codes' rather than 'code' to really drive home that he doesn't know?
Anyway, I'm just generally upset about how little software literacy there is in the USA. It's no wonder Free Software is losing; most people don't even know that code in this context is a collective noun. Sigh.
Scorpio20, ddevine@identi.ca, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Stephen Sekula likes this.
Show all 13 repliesI agree, but to be honest I am not completely sure why.
Perhaps, because, it's best to be realistic and recognise that at present we are really just a living example of an alternate system. If we are lucky some of our work will cross-pollinate and create stepping stones towards our ultimate vision.This is more about shibboleth and idiom and that sort of thing, innit?
One of the European FLOSS licenses (one or more of the CeCILLs or EUPLs, can't recall offhand) uses "a code" in its English language version to mean something like "a work of software". Jarring, to be sure.
I suppose it's unlikely that someone proficient in coding (even if only proficient in English as a second language) would use "write codes". Still.
I don't think it's a matter of "code" being a collective noun. There's nothing particularly obvious or logical or consistent with other English usages about the informal use of "code" to mean "software". It could easily have been "codes" in some similar alternate universe. I remember finding it a bit surprising when I first became aware of it (because for me the first meaning of "code" was the cipher/code usage). I am not sure it can be considered formally idiomatic English -- in that case one would generally say "write software" or "develop software" or "program".Olivier Mehani at 2013-11-08T00:10:32Z
How far the once mighty SourceForge has fallen…
TLDR: SourceForge, once a mighty force for the good of Open Source, has fallen far from its previous lofty heights. Dice, the new owners, bribe strongly encourage the top projects to use a new (closed source only) installer that pushes spyware / adware / malware. Developers using SourceForge should migrate away from it if they want to keep their integrity. End users using projects hosted on SourceForge should immediately find an alternative.
This is sad indeed. Gimp has just moved away form SourceForge to publishing their Windows Installer binaries over FTP.Christopher Allan Webber, ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
can't work out how to get their svn stuff to work on anything ... version mismatches, auth hardly ever working, etc .. not sure if thats normal with svn
As an EVE Online player, we use Pidgin (for XMPP) pretty extensively for our Alliance and Coalition level communications.
Every time we have to get new people to connect to our services we have to host a Pidgin installer ourselves because if they go to SourceForge to get it they end up clicking a fake download link in an ad (many people still haven't discovered ad blockers!) and installing spyware/crapware.ddevine@identi.ca at 2013-11-08T04:32:38Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
michaelmd that's proably mostly SVN. There are lots of features of SVN, aim to use none of them.
- I was procrastinating finding a solution to a complex problem, letting the ideas ferment subconsciously, by reading with horror the anti-science actions of Australia's newly elected government.
Now I'm also ruminating on how to disrupt the pathetic Australian media that overwhelmingly supported them getting elected.ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
RuiSeabra at 2013-11-07T00:37:56Z
Owncloud rocks so much that I'm very anxious about it's 6th installment.
Any ETA for the next beta/RC of owncloud 6? It's currently too important for me to just blindly go beta, specially since there are known issues with the current beta supposedly fixed in the nightlies but... I could run into worse problems if I go that way!ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
#NSA killed my internet. Now i have to build a #gnu one
Nikos Alexandris, Ch Iossif, Yannick Delbecque, Theodoros G. Karounos and 2 others likes this.
Theodoros G. Karounos, RiveraValdez, Danc, Stefano Zacchiroli shared this.
Olivier Mehani at 2013-11-03T00:34:18Z
Hey, at least this one lets you entirely free to do whatever you want with it!ddevine@identi.ca, Ryan Weal likes this.
Olivier Mehani at 2013-11-03T05:49:50Z
This resonates well with Cory Doctorow's description of Google's behaviour [0]: non-evilness is inversely proportional to the lack of competition and the corollary, as they get rid the competition in a local domain, they have no need for prominent non-evilness.
[0] http://www.techcentral.co.za/rivalry-keeps-google-from-evil-doctorow/43656/ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
Beni Grind at 2013-11-02T10:58:03Z
That's why I want Firefox OS to succeed. http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/10/googles-iron-grip-on-android-controlling-open-source-by-any-means-necessary/ .
ddevine@identi.ca, mh, Susan Pinochet, lnxwalt@microca.st and 1 others likes this.
Blaise Alleyne, B. Ross Ashley, Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins and 3 others shared this.
Somewhere along the way---two to three years ago I'd say---Google forgot that it was meant to do no evil. It does look a lot like they've been planting the seeds of it more and more...Olivier Mehani at 2013-11-02T11:27:13Z
a(n) person, lnxwalt@microca.st, X11R5, Douglas Perkins likes this.
Did Google ever consider proprietary software evil, though? Most of their web services have always been proprietary. They fought the AGPL. Even early desktop applications, like Google Desktop, were proprietary.
It seems to be like they're changed a lot with respect to open standards (e.g. XMPP and Google Hangouts, almost killing off CalDAV, etc.), but... I think they always produced proprietary software.This is what I've been saying for ages now. It's really disturbing how many free and open source software people are heavily leaning on Google, and the really scary part is that they don't seem to care!ddevine@identi.ca at 2013-11-02T21:47:49Z
lnxwalt@microca.st likes this.
This resonates well with Cory Doctorow's description of Google's behaviour [0]: non-evilness is inversely proportional to the lack of competition and the corollary, as they get rid the competition in a local domain, they have no need for prominent non-evilness.
[0] http://www.techcentral.co.za/rivalry-keeps-google-from-evil-doctorow/43656/Olivier Mehani at 2013-11-03T05:49:50Z
ddevine@identi.ca likes this.
sazius old account at 2013-11-02T19:28:01Z
That's a bit risky, you get coffee only if "sleep 9h" returns without an error.Hauke Schade, XRevan86, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Olivier Mehani and 3 others likes this.
Missionaries gone digital
(source: WuMo)
I tend to think that religion, just like signing up for a political party, acts to most as a bill to suspend critical thought. In this context, this comic resonates well with me. This is interesting to put in parallel with this BBC SUperbrand episode which found that Apple imagery stimulates the same parts of the brain as religious icons in the respective fanbo^Wdevotees.
Now, I am not saying that every person using a MacBook is a brainless religious-like zealot. Just that I have seen a few more than with any other machines (“The Mac is intelligent, it knows”, right...).ddevine@identi.ca, n2t likes this.
Olivier Mehani at 2013-10-30T12:25:24Z
Some time ago, my partner convinced me to enter my Hammer Button to the Sydney Mini Maker Faire. I just got an email saying that my application was accepted!
Considering this hack is rather trivial---but ever so much fun---I didn't expect to be selected. Now, I'm freaking out a little!
I'll have to work something out!ddevine@identi.ca, Christopher M. Hobbs (inactive), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Matt Molyneaux likes this.