Felipe Augusto van de Wiel faw@identi.ca
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Brazilian/Dutch, Computer Scientist, Debian Developer, System Administrator, Free Software Enthusiast
Claudio F Filho filhocf@identi.ca
Brasília, Brazil
I love the idea of share the knowledge, and the open source is one way to this, so, i try to help Debian, PgSQL, AOOo and others, in Brazil.
Joner Cyrre Worm worm@identi.ca
Porto Alegre, Brazil
FOSS Advocate, Perl developer, CPAN contributor, Debian enthusiast, public servant at Federal Judiciary, father of 2 boys.
Tom Marble tmarble@identi.ca
Minneapolis, United States
Consultant specializing in: Clojure, Debian GNU/Linux, cybersecurity, performance analysis, and FLOSS hw/sw/legal policy.
Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana phls00@identi.ca
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Me siga no https://masto.donte.com.br/@phls
Adriano Rafael Gomes adrianorg@identi.ca
Debian Project debian@identi.ca
Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica
Bdale Garbee bdale@identi.ca
Georg C. F. Greve greve@identi.ca
Küsnacht, Switzerland
Kolab Systems CEO, FSFE founder, author, entrepreneur & consensus builder in Free Software, Open Standards.
Stefano Zacchiroli zack@identi.ca
Paris, France
Geek, Debian Project Leader 2010-2013, Free Software zealot, Computer Science professor. Italian from Bologna, emigrated to Paris, France
Antonio Terceiro aterceiro@identi.ca
Salvador, Brazil
free software developer at COLIVRE; Software Engineering PhD researcher at UFBA
Lars Wirzenius liw@identi.ca
Andrew McMillan karora@identi.ca
Porirua, New Zealand
Open (Source | Maps | Information | Calendar | Android) Geek